Category Archives: timecontrol

A timesheet, is a timesheet, is a timesheet… Isn’t it?

A timesheet is just a timesheet, isn’t it?

Not so much.

What we’ve found here at HMS since 1984 is that timesheet requirements seem to be all the same until you put different departments who need them into the same room. Suddenly, the requirements seem quite different.

In 1984 when we were working on the very first mandate as HMS Software, we had to create a timesheet that would encompass the requirements of payroll and project management at the same time. The design requirements were so different, we ended up almost doubling the effort we had estimated in doing the work originally.

We needed a Time and Attendance timesheet for payroll with numerous requirements from the Finance department.

We also needed a task-based project tracking timesheet with the ability to update the project management schedule.

And, that was complex enough. The project was delivered successfully but the seeds had been planted for what would ultimately become the commercial TimeControl 10 years later.

As we did design on the out-of-the box multi-function TimeControl we realized there were more types of timesheets than just those two.

How about Time and Billing? What about Job Costing?  How about timesheets for R&D tax credit compliance and so on.

We’ve created a short white paper identifying some of the timesheet types that we are most commonly asked about but this is not a theoretical exercise. If no one intervenes in what kind of timesheet to select, the most likely result is that multiple timesheets will be implemented.  Payroll and HR will want a Time and Attendance timesheet.  Finance may require a Time and Billing timesheet or a Job Costing timesheet or both.  There may be requirements from Sales or Contracts to comply with government regulation timesheets in order to successfully comply with a new order or contract.

In some organizations we arrive to find 2, 3, 4 or even more timesheets all deployed at the same time. In a worst case scenario, employees must fill in 2 or 3 timesheets every week to accommodate all the requirements.

The best solution for this dilemma, as we discovered over 3 decades ago, is to create a multi-function timesheet that has a single interface in the front end so it is easy for end users, yet has all the controls that each of these requirements demands in the back end so Administrators can fulfill the different needs from a single source.

You can read the Timesheet Types and TimeControl white paper at:  To see our complete list of white papers, visit

We’re so pleased to have received this letter from RN Engineering

A company is only as good as its clients and at HMS, this is no exception.  We received a letter a few weeks ago which we’re delighted to have now put on our website in the Testimonials area.

The letter is from Mark Simpson a Project Manager at RN Engineering and talks about how they have been able to blend 3 separate business processes into one much more effective process using TimeControl.  You can read the letter in its entirety at RN Engineering Letter.

To Mark and his entire team at RN Engineer, we say a big Thank you!  We appreciate our partnership with the RN Engineering team and we look forward to many more years of working together.

TimeControl now has full integration with SharePoint and SharePoint Online

We’ve been working with SharePoint from its first appearance on the market.  As specialists in Microsoft’s Project Server, we spent a lot of time on it starting in 2002 when Project Server was first released within SharePoint.

There has been a link between TimeControl and SharePoint for some time but in the recently released version 7.1.1 of TimeControl, we have rewritten that link in its entirety to include complete bi-directional data integration. The new SharePoint link allows administrators to determine how to define a project and task from SharePoint lists and what fields will be used to send back from the TimeControl timesheet actual hours, costs or even estimates-to-complete. The link works with both SharePoint on premise or SharePoint Online within Office 365. Information between the two systems can be moved from one to the other automatically in the background on a schedule or on demand as required.

Aside from this extensive and flexible data integration between the two systems TimeControl can also integrate into the collaboration environment of SharePoint in other ways:

  • The entire timesheet interface can be displayed within SharePoint itself
  • Active Directory authentication and single-sign on used by TimeControl can be the same used in SharePoint so users don’t have to sign in twice
  • The timesheet data from TimeControl can be displayed or even blended into SharePoint reports or views from within the SharePoint Business Intelligence Center.

For more information about the TimeControl/SharePoint integration, visit or, to talk to us about how integrating TimeControl with SharePoint can be of benefit to your organization, contact us at: or email at

TimeControl 7.1.1 now available

We’re not usually so excited about what we call a “point-release” but this new version of TimeControl is something to cheer about.  TimeControl version 7.1.1 builds on the recent release of TimeControl 7.1 with three new exciting features.

TimeControl integration with Project Online

TimeControl can now link with Project Online.  Project Online is Microsoft’s in-the-cloud subscription service of Project Server and integrating with it requires using a whole new toolset from Microsoft.  The TimeControl link with Project Online is now available in version 7.1.1 of TimeControl.
To find out more, visit:

TimeControl integration with BrightWork

The BrightWork collaborative project and portfolio management system has been around almost as long as TimeControl and now both HMS and BrightWork have worked together to integrate these two systems into one powerful combination of functionality.  In TimeControl 7.1.1 TimeControl includes a complete integration link with BrightWork and BrightWork Online.
To find out more, visit:

TimeControl integration with SharePoint

TimeControl has had a link from SharePoint for some time but in version 7.1.1 this has been rewritten entirely into a full integration.  Now, TimeControl and SharePoint can integrate bi-directionally as well as in all the ways it could in the past.  You can even present TimeControl right inside SharePiont if you wish.
To find out more, visit:

If you have a current support contract, you can download TimeControl 7.1.1 right now from the TimeControl Update site at:  TimeControl Online users will be upgraded automatically in the coming weeks.


TimeControl now includes automatic Link to Project Online

TimeControl now includes a link between TimeControl and Microsoft Project Online among its many included integrations. Microsoft Project Online is Microsoft’s in-the-cloud subscription service of Microsoft Project Server.

HMS and Microsoft have maintained one of the longest standing technical alliance partnership in the industry and this latest update to TimeControl shows that the relationship continues to return valuable dividends.

We have had a link between TimeControl and Microsoft Project since 1995 and when Microsoft Project Server was launched in 2002, HMS was named a “First-to-Market” partner as one of the first ten products to include a link with Project Server.  We have maintained Project and Project Server links ever since.  With this newest integration to Project Online, HMS now extends the possible integrations between the TimeControl and Microsoft Project lines even further.

All versions of TimeControl will include the integration functionality including TimeControl for on-premise installations, TimeControl Industrial and TimeControl Online, HMS Software’s in-the-cloud Timesheet as a Service.

The automated integration between the products allows tasks, resource information and assignments to move from Project Online to TimeControl and then timesheets can be pre-populated with assignment and task information. The completed and approved timesheets can be automatically sent back to Project Online with actual progress.

This new link adds to a long list of integrations already included with every version of TimeControl. Project Online now joins the links for Microsoft Project desktop, Project Server, SharePoint, BrightWork, Oracle-Primavera Professional, Primavera EPPM, Open Plan, Cobra, Hard Dollar and VersionOne. TimeControl can support integration with multiple project management tools or even multiple versions of the same project management tool simultaneously.

To find out more about the link to Project Online, visit or contact an HMS specialist to discuss your timesheet needs at or

Microsoft and HMS extend their relationship for a 22nd straight year

silver_comp_2015Twenty-two years.  That’s how long HMS and Microsoft have had a formal technical alliance.   The recent certification by Microsoft of HMS as a Silver Certified partner in the Application Development and Project and Portfolio Management categories confirms that we’ll be pushing this into a 23rd year in 2018.

We couldn’t be happier.

HMS has been a member of a Microsoft partner program since the original Microsoft Project Solution Partner program when it started in 1995. The relationship between Microsoft and HMS is oriented around HMS Software’s TimeControl timesheet system and its ability to integrate with Microsoft Project, Microsoft Project Server and Project Online. The Microsoft Project development team and HMS have continued to work closely together all these years.

For this 2017-2018 season, HMS demonstrated to Microsoft its success integrating TimeControl with Microsoft Project and Project Server through actual client testimonials.  We have also had several HMS personnel pass Microsoft certification testing. Microsoft also ensured that TimeControl successfully passed external 3rd party testing for technology and standards compliance with Microsoft Technology.

HMS leverages a wide range of Microsoft technology to deliver both TimeControl and TimeControl Online, HMS Software’s in-the-cloud timesheet service.

To see how TimeControl and Microsoft’s technology work together, visit the TimeControl Microsoft Technology Portal where you’ll find numerous HMS resources including white papers, webcasts, PowerPoint presentations and more. The portal can be found at:

TimeControl and BrightWork

TimeControl and BrightWork have announced an integration between our products.  This brings collaborative project and portfolio management together with enterprise timekeeping in an exciting blend of functionality.

Integrating TimeControl with BrightWork brings the best in breed collaborative project and portfolio management together with auditable labor actuals. Now enterprise timesheets from TimeControl can work seamlessly with the BrightWork project management system. The bidirectional link was designed collaboratively with HMS and BrightWork team members to bring BrightWork project and task information to TimeControl, present that information to end-users who can provide their end of day or end of week updates on these tasks along with any other non-project timesheet information at the same time then sends the information back to BrightWork.

Included with all versions of TimeControl the BrightWork integration means not only updating tasks in the project management system but simultaneously accommodating requirements for auditable labor and cost information for systems such as Billing, Payroll or Job Costing.

For more information visit

TimeControl Online is 6 years old and better than ever!

TimeControl Online is TimeControl’s Software as a Service subscription offering which launched in 2011.  At six years of age, it’s looking better than ever.

“HMS is committed to offering TimeControl both as a purchase for installation on-premise and as a subscription service in the Cloud,” explains HMS Software president Chris Vandersluis.

The online TimeControl service provides all the functionality loved by the on-premise version.  The code that is deployed for both situations is identical.

When subscribing to TimeControl Online, clients avoid having to purchase or configure hardware, networking, databases or worry about security, monitoring or anything other than simply using the timesheet.  HMS Software’s technical team handles the rest.

TimeControl Online started in 2011 as version 6.2.  It has gone through continuous updates and upgrades and is now in version 7.

For those who are using TimeControl on premise and are interested in switching to TimeControl Online, they can speak to their TimeControl representative at and ask about a transfer credit towards their first year’s subscription.

For those who are considering TimeControl and aren’t sure whether to purchase for an on-premise deployment or subscribe online, our President, Chris Vandersluis has recently released a series of mini-webinars on the subject.  You can find them on his blog

For more information on TimeControl Online, visit

HMS will be at PMI Westchester on Saturday, April 29th!

pmiwestchester_300x34.pngHMS will be on the road this Saturday at the 8th Annual PMI Westchester Professional Development Day which takes place April 29th at Manhattenville College.

HMS a Gold sponsor of the event and we will be there to give attendees a chance to talk to HMS personnel about their timesheet needs and see the latest of TimeControl, TimeControlOnline and TimeControl Industrial.

For more information on the conference, see and if you’d like to make an appointment to speak to HMS personnel while you’re at the conference, contact

HMS Software and Oracle extend their technical alliance for a 20th consecutive year

Our relationship with Oracle started from several places at once back in 1997.  HMS became an Oracle Technical Partner that year because of the then-new support of the Oracle database by TimeControl 3.  We were very excited that year to announce that TimeControl was officially a client-server product.  Ah, the good old days.  That same year in that same version of TimeControl, we announced our new link with Primavera’s project management product, P3.  Shortly after that Primavera released P3 for the Enterprise (P3e) and our timing was such that TimeControl was the first product of any kind to link to that new product.

In 2008 those extended relationships blended together when Oracle purchased Primavera.  By then we had other relationship with Oracle products as well with support for MySQL and links to JD Edwards and Oracle E-Business Suite.

Fast forward to 2017.  Oracle and HMS have announced that HMS will be an Oracle Gold Partner from 2017 to 2018 making this the 20th consecutive year of our technical relationship and we couldn’t be prouder.

“This relationship is an example of the win-win that technical alliances are supposed to deliver,” explained our President, Chris Vandersluis.  “Oracle is able to extend the functionality and expertise to their clients through HMS and HMS is, in turn, able to get privileged access to Oracle’s technology and staff.  The clients we have in common benefit from this relationship as do both companies.”

The evolution of TimeControl has been able to take advantage of this relationship with ongoing support of multiple database versions and products in the Oracle family as well as links between TimeControl and Oracle EBS, PeopleSoft, JD Edwards and, of course, Oracle-Primavera P6 Professional and Oracle-Primavera EPPM. Announcements have been made in just the last few weeks about new functionality in the links between TimeControl and Oracle-Primavera EPPM.

Some of TimeControl’s value-added benefits when linking with Oracle-Primavera include: multiple rates per employee, automated business rule validations, automated workflow, missing timesheet notification, simultaneous support for multiple versions of Primavera, both a browser and mobile/tablet interface and matrix timesheet approvals with HMS’s unique Matrix Approval Process for Labor Actuals™.

HMS is delighted to be celebrating our twentieth year as an Oracle Partner and look forward to our relationship continuing for many years to come.

For more information about TimeControl and how it links to Oracle technologies, visit the TimeControl Oracle Solution Portal at: contact HMS at