The TimeControl Technical team is often quoted by clients as a key reason for their satisfaction with the TimeControl timesheet system. One of the ways we deliver on that is by organizing the
HMS team so that the same personnel who do development, consulting, and implementation also answer technical support requests. This makes the quality of responses for technical questions very high. We thought it would be useful to share some frequently asked questions and answers about the support service.
Question: Who is entitled to TimeControl Technical Support?
Answer: Any client who is a subscriber of TimeControl Online and any client who uses TimeControl on-premise who is either in their first year after purchase or who has paid an annual technical support contract fee.
Question: What is included in TimeControl Technical Support?
Answer: In short, HMS is committed to fix TimeControl if it is not working the way we documented it to work. But, when calls come in for assistance, they virtually always sound like, “TimeControl isn’t working. Please fix it.” Our technical staff triage all incoming calls to sort out urgent issues (for example TimeControl not able to start) from less urgent (for example, I’m not happy with the way a report looks). Then they start to diagnose the issue. Often just figuring out if TimeControl is, in fact, broken, they determine the cause of the issue and have resolved it. Most TimeControl issues are usually data or configuration related a small minority result in a change or fix to TimeControl.
Question: Ok, so what is not included in TimeControl Technical Support?
Answer: Anything that isn’t about fixing TimeControl. So, with TimeControl on-premise, installations, upgrades, server configuration or upgrades, database configuration or upgrades would not be included. For TimeControl on-premise or TimeControl Online, Training or configuration of TimeControl including making filters, validation rules, reports or anything else that is client-facing are not included. All of these are services that HMS can provide for a fee.
Question: How quickly are problems responded to?
Answer: HMS is committed to respond to an issue within 4 business hours of receiving it. That may not mean that the fix or correction is available in 4 hours. We focus first on any issues that have TimeControl not working at all and then on issues that are less severe. We are committed however, to initiate the correction process within that 4 hours timeframe. If you put in a support request first thing in the morning on a workday and haven’t heard back by 1pm that day, you should follow up.
Question: When is TimeControl Technical Support available?
Answer: Technical Support staff are available from Monday to Friday (Excepting Canadian/Quebec holidays) from 9am to 5pm Eastern time (GMT-5) but some of the staff are often working earlier than 9 and working later than 5 so there is never a bad time to send in a request. If the HMS offices are closed for a holiday, we post that on our Twitter account and that feed is posted to the front page of the account.
Question: What is the most effective way of contacting TimeControl Technical Support?
Answer: By far the best method is to either fill in a support request at: or send an email to Both of these methods trigger internal triage mechanisms for technical support and have the issue allocated to the most appropriate person to respond. You can also call the office directly at +1 514-695-8122 but with the staff mostly working remotely, this is the least effective method.
Question: I have the email/phone# of one of the staff who I really liked, can’t I just contact them?
Answer: We would prefer that you do not unless you are already working directly with someone on a particular issue and they have asked you to be in contact with them. Technical Support staff also rotate into development, design, implementation and consulting roles so sending a message to someone you had a good rapport with is the most likely cause of a delay in response.
Question: Where can I find out more:
Answer: Send us your question at:
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