Category Archives: SharePoint Timesheet

Leverage SharePoint with TimeControl

Sharepoint_TC_Puzzle_300x257TimeControl is a web timesheet application which has several integration points with TimeControl

SharePoint has emerged over the last few years as Microsoft’s fastest growing product line ever and millions of users now use Microsoft’s collaboration platform as they’re underlying operating environment.  TimeControl has had links to SharePoint since version 2002 and links with SharePoint 2002 – 2016 have all been maintained.

There are several ways SharePoint can be leveraged with TimeControl:

  1. Display platform
    sp_tc6timesheet_300x216TimeControl can be installed and configured to display from within a SharePoint page.  TimeControl is not just a web-part.  It is a complete web application but it was designed from the outset to be able to be displayed inside of SharePoint.
  2. Project/Task link
    TimeControl has a direct transfer link with SharePoint much like the links to other project management tools like Microsoft Project, Microsoft Project Server or Primavera.  The SharePoint link allows a SharePoint list of tasks to be automatically transferred in to TimeControl’s Charge Table along with resource assignments.  Then that list of tasks can be used in TimeControl just like any other project’s charges within the timesheet.  Transfers can be done on demand or on schedule.
  3. Integration TimeControl Data into SharePoint
    TimeControl fully supports Microsoft SQL Server and when TimeControl and SharePoint are installed together they are usually sharing a database server.  This allows SharePoint to take advantage of information in TimeControl directly for SharePoint dashboards made in SQL Server Reporting Services or the Dashboard builder of your choosing.  You can also blend TimeControl’s data into reporting mashups with your SharePoint data.

In addition TimeControl has extensive links with other Microsoft products like Excel and Microsoft Project.

To find out more about how TimeControl can leverage your SharePoint platform, see the use-case solutions page at: on the website.



Our Most Popular Video on our YouTube Channel: TC & SharePoint… But Why?

We took a look at our rather extensive library of YouTube videos and noticed that one in particular is significantly more popular than the rest: the video demonstrating TimeControl’s integration with SharePoint.

Not surprising, when you think about the worldwide popularity of Microsoft SharePoint. With close to 100 million business users, it’s an important and powerful part of day-to-day functioning of so many organizations as their intranet or collaboration platform.

Did you know TimeControl can be installed within your preexisting SharePoint environment? With TimeControl, there is no need to leave the SharePoint platform to fill out your timesheet. Here at HMS our long-standing relationship with Microsoft means we’ve worked alongside SharePoint since its creation. The integration of the 2 means that adding TimeControl as your company’s timesheet will be easy and avoid the headache of an interrupted user experience.

With close to 1000 views, our TimeContol & SharePoint video is worth the informative 13 minute investment of your time.

Check out our TC & SharePoint brochure
For a TC & SharePoint Power-Point PDF printout, click here:
For even more information, go to our complete solutions portal for everything TC & SharePoint
In other news…
Don’t forget TimeControl 6.5 is scheduled to release in October! We’re on our way to wrapping up final details as we have already begun testing the code here at HMS. Stay tuned.

Selecting TimeControl for Online or On-premises

online_vs_onpremisesWith TimeControl now available to be purchased for on-premises installation and for subscription to our TimeControlOnline hosted timesheet service, there is a choice to make.  Here at HMS we’ve been asked recently “Which is better – Hosted or Purchased?” and the answer isn’t obvious. Whether you subscribe to TimeControlOnline or purchase TimeControl to install on your own servers, there’s lots of great functionality including:

  • Multi-browser easy to use interface
  • TimeControl mobile smartphone interface
  • Links to project management systems like MS Project
  • Links to ERP/Finance, Payroll and HR systems
  • Matrix Approvals
  • Automated Validation Rules
  • Extensive Reporting
  • Vacation approvals
  • Email notifications
  • Multi-lingual functionality

But there specific advantages for both subscribing or installing so we’ve put together some resources that we hope you’ll find useful on our Timesheet Buyer’s Guide solution portal including:

A short webcast by our President, Chris Vandersluis comparing the differences of purchasing TimeControl vs. subscribing to TimeControlOnline along with some basic questions you can ask yourself to see which path is optimal for you. Read more…

A PowerPoint slideshow that is used in the webcast.   Read more…

A 4-page factsheet entitled Online vs. On-premises which puts side-by-side comparison of the different options available with both products.  Read more…

Timesheet Buyer’s Guide
This solution portal contains numerous resources other than those we’ve listed here on how to select a timesheet for your needs and how TimeControl might apply to those requirements.  See more at

TimeControl now available as a hosted service with TimeControlOnline

TimeControl is open for business in the cloud with TimeControlOnline! We are delighted to announce the availability of our Timesheet as a Service (TaaS) hosted subscription. This new service brings all the power, flexibility and ease of use of one of the world’s most popular timesheets to a hosted subscription model. TimeControl_InTheCloud

TimeControlOnline culminates a development initiative that began in 2007 and lets clients who are interested in a hosted timesheet service start with TimeControl instantly.

The new hosted service brings a remarkable set of TimeControl features and benefits to the online subscription model. TimeControl and TimeControlOnline include functionality for time and attendance, time and billing, project-tracking, linking to project management tools, vacation approvals and even a mobile interface all in the same package. And, with TimeControlOnline, there is no hardware to purchase, nothing to install, nothing to maintain and nothing else to purchase. Everything is included in one competitive subscription price.

TimeControlOnline Features include:
Multi-browser/Multi-lingual interface
TimeControlOnline’s interface is designed to be easy to use. We know that end-users will spend only a few minutes a week entering their timesheet so the interface must be both simple and intuitive. TimeControlOnline is multi-browser compatible and multi-lingual.
TimeControlMobile Smartphone interface
TimeControlOnline now includes a mobile interface designed for smartphones like the iPhone, Blackberry as well as Android and Windows 7 Mobile devices.
Vacation approvals with TimeRequest
TimeRequest is TimeControl’s vacation approval system. It is a simple easy-to-use screen to enter requests to take time off in the future and once approved, the time will automatically appear in the appropriate future timesheet.
Matrix timesheet approvals
TimeControl has an extensive approvals system including automated validation rules, multiple levels of approvals and individualized approval paths. The unique Matrix Approval Process for Labor Actuals was designed to allow both work-based approvals and organization-based approvals to occur at the same time.
Email notifications for missing timesheets
On Monday morning the hardest thing about timesheets can be finding them. TimeControlOnline makes this easy with automatic scheduled email notifications.
Links to Project Management
TimeControl supports more project management links than any other timesheet on the market. Whether you use Microsoft Project or Project Server, Oracle’s Primavera or Deltek’s Open Plan or Cobra, TimeControl can help create an integrated Enterprise Project Management environment.
Government compliance
TimeControl enables organizations to comply with many different government standards including the DCAA, R&D tax credits, the FMLA, California Wage Laws, the European Time Directives and Sarbanes Oxley.

Pricing for TimeControlOnline starts at a highly-competitive $12/month/user with a minimum of 10 users. Discounts are available for volume subscriptions. Prospective clients can request pricing for their particular configuration at  TimeControlOnline is available immediately. Additional information and pricing can be found at

TimeControl is your SharePoint timesheet

Did you know that TimeControl can be deployed right inside the SharePoint interface? For organizations that have adopted the Microsoft SharePoint environment as their Intranet or Corporate Portal software,  TimeControl is the perfect fit because it allows end-users to enter their time in TimeControl without ever leaving SharePoint. 

SharePoint is a  powerful collaboration environment which is used by over 85 million people around the world.  TimeControl is one of the first timesheets anywhere to completely support the SharePoint interface (versions 2003, 2007 and 2010) and provide SharePoint end-users with an uninterrupted user experience!

The following video-presentation shows how you can integrate your TimeControl 6 environment with SharePoint in a couple of ways. First, the demonstration in this webcast shows TimeControl provisioned into a SharePoint worksite. The webcast also shows how SharePoint lists can be saved so they can be imported and implemented right into TimeControl and then shows a timesheet with those SharePoint tasks available as charges on an employee’s timesheet.

To find out more about how TimeControl can be implemented within SharePoint, consult our TimeControl and SharePoint Solution page.

If you are interested in extending your collaborative experience by adding Microsoft Project to the TimeControl / SharePoint mix, be sure to also visit the TimeControl, SharePoint, Microsoft Project Solution Portal.