Tag Archives: TimeControl

Migrating from Excel Timesheets to TimeControl?

There are countless organizations that still do their timesheets in Excel.  Is it any wonder that in every copy of Excel there are templates included to make multiple types of timesheets?  The advantage of using Excel for such tasks is twofold: First, it is instant.  If using a template, an Excel timesheet could be deployed in an hour.  Second, it is ultimately flexible.  An Excel timesheet can be changed to whatever degree you wish.

But, as easy as it is to create an Excel timesheet for a small group, organizations often outgrow such systems very quickly.  When the requirements for the timesheet include auditability or the need to harmonize coding to a central structure or just trying to find missing timesheets, the ease of Excel is eclipsed by its challenges.

TimeControl was designed from its inception in 1994 to have Excel integration and now, 25 years later, that integration is multi-faceted.  Aside from being able to consume Excel worksheets for lists of projects, charges or employees or being able to create Excel workbooks to enable analysis, reporting or external integration, TimeControl is a likely and common place for organizations to migrate their Excel timesheet systems.  Maintenance and the management of an Excel timesheet when an organization grows, becomes more complex, more costly and a bigger challenge.  That’s where TimeControl’s centralized data structure becomes much more attractive.

TimeControl has numerous points of contact with Excel:

Importing and Exporting data between TimeControl and Excel

TimeControl includes complete support for transferring data to and from Excel files.  If you maintain some data now in Excel, then moving that into TimeControl is a matter of moments.  If you use Excel for analysis of data, then sending TimeControl’s source data to Excel is very simple.  You can even schedule exports to Excel or imports from Excel to happen automatically on a schedule you define.

Importing legacy timesheets from Excel to TimeControl is already included

TimeControl includes import functionality for timesheets themselves so if you have an existing timesheet system in Excel you can transfer that data into TimeControl.  Our Excel Solutions Portal even has a template for you to download and use so you don’t have to create it yourself.

Integrating Excel Services dashboards into TimeControl

Some people like using Excel’s server-based charting capabilities to create analysis of timesheet or project management data.  TimeControl supports displaying Excel views in the dashboard.  Need an Excel pivot report in your TimeControl dashboard?  No problem. Need an Excel traffic light on the TimeControl dashboard?  No problem.

Displaying TimeControl Reports in Excel

Every TimeControl report including those created in our TimeControl Report Designer or with the TimeControl Drill Down Analyzer can be saved as Excel files so you can do more extensive analysis and reporting in the tools you are familiar with.

Migrating from Excel to TimeControl or TimeControl Online is so simple

TimeControl and TimeControl Online are almost always configured from Excel files.  Our technical staff give templates to new clients so they can configure the data they want into TimeControl with the features they want to enable.  If you’re using Excel already you’re all set to go.  And, if you’re subscribing to TimeControlOnline, there’s nothing to install, no servers or databases to configure.  Once your subscription is activated, you are ready to start moving your data into the system and activating your users.  Most small to medium sized organizations are able to enter timesheets a few days after subscribing.  You could be looking at your own TimeControl system only a couple of hours from now.

You can find out more about how TimeControl and Excel can work together to help your organization become more efficient on our TimeControl/Excel Use-Case portal at: Timecontrol.com/use-cases/excel-to-timecontrol.  On the portal you’ll find webcasts, factsheets and slide presentations explaining some of your options and potential benefits.

Webinar Présentation de TimeControl et BrightWork    

If you are English speaking…
You’ll find below an invitation to an upcoming webinar in French on improving your project management environment with a combination of BrightWork, TimeControl and SharePoint. If you have colleagues who speak French, please feel free to pass this along to them. If you are interested in attending this webinar in English, please let us know by replying to this message. We expect to do this webinar in English in October.

Améliorer votre gestion de projets et votre suivi du temps avec SharePoint

Trop souvent, les projets et les feuilles de temps sont gérés en utilisant le courriel et Excel, sans contrôle ni guide des meilleures pratiques. De nombreuses organisations exigent et méritent que leurs données de feuille de temps fassent plus que simplement mettre à jour les tâches dans un système de gestion de projets.

Avec TimeControl et BrightWork, les feuilles de temps et la gestion des projets de l’organisation fonctionnent de manière transparente avec la plateforme SharePoint. Les utilisateurs disposent d’un point d’entrée unique pour saisir leur feuille de temps et aussi suivre facilement l’avancement et le suivi de leurs projets.

Rejoignez Novexe et Logiciel HMS pour un webinaire en direct où vous pourrez:

  • Découvrir comment démarrer rapidement votre gestion de projets et de portefeuilles dans SharePoint avec la solution BrightWork
  • Découvrir comment transformer SharePoint en un système de gestion de feuilles de temps d’entreprise avec TimeControl
  • Assister à une démonstration en direct de l’utilisation intégrée de BrightWork et TimeControl dans SharePoint

Si vous ne pouvez y assister, ne paniquez pas! Inscrivez-vous et nous vous enverrons l’enregistrement.

Inscription: www.brightwork.com/webinars/ameliorer-votre-gestion-de-projets-et-votre-suivi-du-temps-avec-sharepoint




TimeControl / PRISM Integration now available

A few weeks ago, we announced a strategic alliance with ARES PRISM who are the publishers of enterprise project control ares_prism_200x90.jpgsoftware. We’re delighted to tell you that the integration of the ARES PRISM and TimeControl is now available.  A design team made up of both HMS and PRISM staff created the link which is available from ARES PRISM as a plug-in for their G2 system.

Now our joint clients can integrate the power of TimeControl’s multi-purpose timesheet and field data collection system matched with enterprise level forecasting and analysis.

We have created a solution page for the PRISM/TimeControl link at: TimeControl.com/use-cases/prism where you’ll find screen shots, factsheets and more.  Contact your HMS or PRISM representative for more information.

Join our Live Webinar: Integrating TimeControl and BrightWork

TimeControl is a multi-purpose timesheet designed to integrated with multiple project webinar_300x178.jpgmanagement systems.  When it is integrated with BrightWork, you can create a collaborative project management SharePoint environment where the organization’s timesheets are blended naturally into the project process.

Join BrightWork and HMS Software on July 11 for a live webinar where you will:

  1. See how to quickly get started managing projects and portfolios with SharePoint
  2. Learn how integrating TimeControl as an enterprise timesheet brings a single point of entry for timesheets into the project environment
  3. Get a live demo of BrightWork and TimeControl working together

Don’t worry if you can’t attend! Sign up anyway and we will send you the recording.

The Webinar is scheduled for July 11th at 4pm GMT | 11am EDT | 8am PDT.

To Register click: Register Here.

TimeControl Industrial 8 now available

With the successful launch of TimeControl 8 only a few days ago, we’ve now released TimeControl Industrial version 8.  The TimeControl 8 version already included numerous features that will be of interest to all TimeControl Industrial clients.

crew_tsentry_3There are also some features very specific to TimeControl Industrial in this edition.  Some of these include:

Crew Timesheets in TimeControl Mobile

TimeControl 8 includes the free TimeControl Mobile App and TimeControl Industrial users can, for the first, time create and edit Crew Timesheets and edit Crew members while mobile.  With nearly half of the total global workforce expected to be comprised of mobile employees by 2022, these new features in TimeControl Industrial Mobile will be welcome.

Manage Crews in TimeControl Mobile

Not only can supervisors and team leaders create crew timesheets while on the go, they can also use the TimeControl Mobile App to update team members.  A team lead who is out in the field with their crew can start their shift by updating their crew and then updating Crew Timesheet information as the day progresses no matter where they are.

Support for TimeControl Mobile when disconnected from the Internet

TimeControl Mobile has been enhanced so that if connection to the Internet is interrupted; something that can occur more frequently in remote construction sites, the App will continue functioning and will automatically syncronize with the central application as soon as a connection is re-established.

Mobile Views

The TimeControl Mobile App includes dynamic data analysis for management of all timesheet data under their control.  Instant graphics in numerous formats will enable rapid decision making based on where time is being spent.

The upgrade is available to existing on-premise clients with a current support and maintenance agreement at no additional charge from the TimeControl upgrades site at: Industrial.TimeControl.com/support/updates. TimeControl Industrial 8 will be upgraded automatically for TimeControl Online subscription clients in mid-July.

For further information, please visit Industrial.TimeControl.com or email info@hms.ca.

TimeControl 8 begins shipping

All of us here at HMS are very excited about this announcement.  After over a year in the planning and countless hours of work, TimeControl 8 is now available!  This version represents huge changes that have been recommended by our clients, by our own research and by evolving industry guidelines.  There is so much new in this new version but for those already using or about to begin using TimeControl, don’t worry.  We have kept all previous functionality alive and well.  You’ll have no trouble finding your usual functionality for your timesheet, security, tables and reporting all where they’re supposed to be, even if they look a little different.

Here is just a bit of what you’ll see in this brand new version!

All new interface

tc8_timesheet_groupedFirst, the interface is all new.  The last time we made this big a change in the look and feel of TimeControl was 2010 and it was due.  We’re following new industry guidelines on look and feel and we think you’ll agree that it’s even easier to find your way around the new screens!

JIRA support

We’ve found many of our clients have IT groups within them who have adopted JIRA.  JIRA is a task and project management system that has a big following amongst developers and IT specialists.  TimeControl 8 includes a bi-directional link with JIRA that allows JIRA users to have their task updates and effort expended automatically populate their timesheet.  Then, when going to TimeControl to finish their timesheet for any non-development (non-JIRA) work they have they will already find all their JIRA data already there.  This promises to be a big time savings for JIRA users.


Along with ARES PRISM, we have also included support for a bi-directional integration between ARES PRISM and TimeControl.  ARES PRISM is a high-end project cost control system that is often used in large Engineering-Procurement-Construction mega projects.  The new link with TimeControl means that ARSE PRISM users can implement enterprise-level timesheets within the same system so that estimates can now be directly compared to actuals.  The link is effected from a plug-in inside of the ARES PRISM system.

All new TimeControl Mobile App Views

tc8_mobile_views_polarareaWe’ve gone so much further with TimeControl Mobile.  Aside from the new Mobile Crew Interface for TimeControl Industrial which we’ll talk more about next week, there is a new feature for supervisors, managers and administrators that lets them see graphical representations of all TimeControl data in their control to help them make decisions at a glance!  The new looks are stunning but more importantly, they bring the depth of TimeControl data to a look that is effective and easy to understand.

Much, much more…

There is so much more.  Support for Microsoft Project Server 2019 on-premise, additional enhancements in the TimeControl Mobile App, the new TimeControl Notification system, new email notification capacity, improved single-sign-on for corporate users, a major expansion of the API to introduce new end points and methods.

And, countless other less visible changes that have made TimeControl even better…

You can find a more complete list of changes at: TimeControl.com/features/latest.

TimeControl 8 is available for download right now for clients who have an active support agreement at TimeControl.com/support/updates.  TimeControl Industrial will be available next week and TimeControl Online clients will be upgraded automatically in mid-July.  We will inform TimeControl Online users at least a week before their systems are updated.  If you are an existing TimeControl client and need to renew your support agreement, please email info@hms.ca.

HMS and ARES PRISM announce a Strategic Alliance

ares_prism_200x90.jpgWe’re very excited to announce the formation of a strategic alliance with ARES PRISM who are the publishers of enterprise project control software.  ARES PRISM focuses on cost control, forecasting, change management and performance measurement and TimeControl focuses on project actual labor, material and equipment usage data collection.  This makes a powerful case for bringing these two suites of functionality together.

Teams from the two firms are already hard at work finalizing integration tools between the respective products.

Our President, Chris Vandersluis explains that “This is a situation where one-plus-one equals much more than two.  Our joint clients will enjoy the power of TimeControl’s multi-purpose timesheet and field data collection system matched with enterprise level forecasting and analysis.  We think our clients and prospective clients are going to be very excited about what comes of this new partnership.

Dates for the complete integration have not yet been announced but it is expected shortly.

You can read the complete press release at: TimeControl.com/resources/newsroom/press-releases/2019-05-23 and for more information on ARES PRISM, visit www.aresprism.com.

Do more with less at CEO Today Magazine

CEO_Today_May5_2019_300x251I was delighted to be asked to pen an article for CEO Today Magazine.  The piece is called “Do more with less: 5 Steps to Capitalize on the Resources You Already Have“.  It’s a familiar topic around here as we speak to hundreds of organizations who use TimeControl to identify time that is being spent on tasks that is unproductive.  If you’re interested in reading the article, you can find it at: https://www.ceotodaymagazine.com/2019/05/do-more-with-less-5-steps-to-capitalize-on-the-resources-you-already-have/.

TimeControl case study with WHP Engineering 

We’re delighted to tell you that we have just finished collaborating with WHP Engineering on a greate case study describing how this UK-based engineering company has implemented TimeControl to improve operational efficiency in the organization.

WHP Engineering specializes in precision engineered solutions for the biotechnology, pharmaceutical and other clean process manufacturing industries.  It has grown more than 135% since 2017.

WHP has deployed TimeControl in part due to its integration with both Oracle Primavera and Sage and are delighted with the results.

“The fact that I can see what projects people are spending their hours on and what they’re delivering for those hours is crucial,” explained John Wheeler, WHP’s Engineering Manager. “If we hadn’t made the change to TimeControl, we certainly wouldn’t have the level of key business metrics that we’re getting now.”

You can read the case study in its entirety at: TimeControl.com/why-timecontrol/case-studies/whp or to see more case studies, go to: TimeControl.com/why-timecontrol/case-studies.

The TimeControl Buyer’s Guide is a treasure trove of information!

Our TimeControl.com website hosts a section that will be of interest to anyone Railway next to the coal mineconsidering a new timesheet.  The TimeControl Buyer’s Guide contains numerous resources that are the culmination of experience from our HMS timesheet deployment experts.

This area of the website provides information that both helps prospective timesheet buyers determine what kind of timesheet they might require and then shows how TimeControl can respond to those requirements. The information isn’t specific to just TimeControl so no matter what kind of timesheet you’re looking for, this section of our site may be useful.

The Timesheet Buyer’s Guide includes a number of tools that may be of interest to those considering a new timesheet system including:

  • Webcasts of how to determine what type of timesheet might be required,
  • A white paper analyzing the choice of buying a commercial off the shelf timesheet system vs. subscribing to a timesheet in the cloud vs. writing your own customized timesheet
  • A downloadable evaluation checklist spreadsheet of the most commonly requested timesheet features with options for weighting features and scoring multiple timesheet systems,
  • A Return on Investment Calculator spreadsheet which shows the financial impact of automating your timesheet system and;
  • Numerous links to other resources.

The HMS Timesheet Buyer’s Guide is available at: TimeControl.com/why-timecontrol/buyers-guide.  Access to the Buyer’s Guide is free.