Tag Archives: webinar

Join our live Webinar showing TimeControl and BrightWork together

TimeControl is a multi-purpose timesheet designed to integrated with multiple project management systems. When it is integrated with BrightWork, you can create a collaborative project management SharePoint environment where the organization’s timesheets are blended naturally into the project process.

On Wednesday, May 12th at 11am EDT, 8am PDT, 4pm GMT BrightWork and HMS Software will co-host a live webinar showing how to enhance your Project Analysis in SharePoint using BrightWork and TimeControl.

You will discover:

  • How to quickly get started managing projects and portfolios with SharePoint
  • How integrating TimeControl as an enterprise timesheet brings a single point of entry for timesheets into the project environment
  • A live demo of BrightWork and TimeControl working together

Don’t worry if you can’t attend! Sign up anyway and we will send you the recording.

The Webinar is scheduled for July 11th at 4pm GMT, 11am EDT, 8am PDT.

To Register click: Register Here.

Webinar Présentation de TimeControl et BrightWork    

If you are English speaking…
You’ll find below an invitation to an upcoming webinar in French on improving your project management environment with a combination of BrightWork, TimeControl and SharePoint. If you have colleagues who speak French, please feel free to pass this along to them. If you are interested in attending this webinar in English, please let us know by replying to this message. We expect to do this webinar in English in October.

Améliorer votre gestion de projets et votre suivi du temps avec SharePoint

Trop souvent, les projets et les feuilles de temps sont gérés en utilisant le courriel et Excel, sans contrôle ni guide des meilleures pratiques. De nombreuses organisations exigent et méritent que leurs données de feuille de temps fassent plus que simplement mettre à jour les tâches dans un système de gestion de projets.

Avec TimeControl et BrightWork, les feuilles de temps et la gestion des projets de l’organisation fonctionnent de manière transparente avec la plateforme SharePoint. Les utilisateurs disposent d’un point d’entrée unique pour saisir leur feuille de temps et aussi suivre facilement l’avancement et le suivi de leurs projets.

Rejoignez Novexe et Logiciel HMS pour un webinaire en direct où vous pourrez:

  • Découvrir comment démarrer rapidement votre gestion de projets et de portefeuilles dans SharePoint avec la solution BrightWork
  • Découvrir comment transformer SharePoint en un système de gestion de feuilles de temps d’entreprise avec TimeControl
  • Assister à une démonstration en direct de l’utilisation intégrée de BrightWork et TimeControl dans SharePoint

Si vous ne pouvez y assister, ne paniquez pas! Inscrivez-vous et nous vous enverrons l’enregistrement.

Inscription: www.brightwork.com/webinars/ameliorer-votre-gestion-de-projets-et-votre-suivi-du-temps-avec-sharepoint




Join our Live Webinar: Integrating TimeControl and BrightWork

TimeControl is a multi-purpose timesheet designed to integrated with multiple project webinar_300x178.jpgmanagement systems.  When it is integrated with BrightWork, you can create a collaborative project management SharePoint environment where the organization’s timesheets are blended naturally into the project process.

Join BrightWork and HMS Software on July 11 for a live webinar where you will:

  1. See how to quickly get started managing projects and portfolios with SharePoint
  2. Learn how integrating TimeControl as an enterprise timesheet brings a single point of entry for timesheets into the project environment
  3. Get a live demo of BrightWork and TimeControl working together

Don’t worry if you can’t attend! Sign up anyway and we will send you the recording.

The Webinar is scheduled for July 11th at 4pm GMT | 11am EDT | 8am PDT.

To Register click: Register Here.