Category Archives: TimeControl Mobile

TimeControl Mobile App includes both labor and non-labor field data collection

If you are a TimeControl Industrial user then you are no doubt familiar with how the free TimeControl Mobile app adapts to whether it is connected to TimeControl or TimeControl Industrial.  For TimeControl Industrial users of the free TimeControl Mobile App, additional features such as Crew timesheet entry appear but TimeControl Mobile App can do much more.

TimeControl Mobile supports not only the data collection of timesheets in the field by using the Crew timesheet.  It also allows non-labor entries.  This makes the app an ideal field data collection tool.  Labor is entered on the Crew timesheet but there is also an icon for Material entries in which any non-labor entries can be made.  Just as in TimeControl Industrial on the web interface, you can enter here materials consumption, equipment usage and even production values right from the field.

With the combination of these and other features, the TimeControl Mobile App delivers a LEMS (Labor, Equipment, Materials) collection system.  The Mobile app can also collect and attach pictures of the site, receipts for material delivery or other attachments that then become part of the centralized record.  Multi-faceted approvals are also handled in the field or back at the office.

This makes the TimeControl Mobile App a powerful field data collection tool and it’s all controlled right in the hand of a supervisor, foreman, team leader or clerk.  Collecting the data  right where the work is taking place leads to a much higher data quality and speeds all parts of the project progress workflow.

Once the data is released for approval, TimeControl’s powerful approval mechanisms ensure it meets the organization’s standards for data and that the people who need to approve the work get to do so whether that is through the Mobile App or back in the office on a computer web browser.  Either way, getting the data ready to update the project management system, the payroll system and the invoicing system happens much, much faster.

The TimeControl Mobile App is free and connects to TimeControl, TimeControl Online, TimeControl Industrial and TimeControl Industrial Online.  There is no fee for downloading or using the app.  The only requirement is that it be connected to an active TimeControl User License on the main system.

We mean there is no additional cost. None. When you download the app from Google Play or the Apple App store, you don’t pay a thing. All you need to do is connect to your existing TimeControl system.  The TimeControl Mobile App supports TimeControl on premise version 7.2 and higher, TimeControl Industrial on premise version 7.2 and higher, TimeControl Online or TimeControl Industrial Online.

You can find out more about the TimeControl Mobile App at:

You can download the TimeControl Mobile App from Google Play or the Apple App store.

Contact HMS for more information on how the TimeControl Mobile App can help your remote workers get connected.

The free TimeControl Mobile App makes your timesheet feel natural even when you are working remotely

The free TimeControl Mobile App is designed to bring the power of your TimeControl timesheet and project progress updater right to the palm of your hand no matter where you are.  Designed to work with TimeControl on premise, TimeControl Online and TimeControl Industrial, the Mobile App works on both Android and Apple devices.

The free TimeControl Mobile App takes advantage of whatever screen resolution it finds to make the system as effective as possible for any device.  For timesheet functionality, the Mobile App takes your existing TimeControl configuration, profile security, data selections, language and customization so what appears on your mobile screen matches what you are used to whenever you use TimeControl!

All you have to do is log in as you normally would to your TimeControl system and you can create a new timesheet, edit an existing timesheet, approve or reject timesheets and even edit posted timesheets right in the App.  Have expenses to post in your timesheet?  The TimeControl Mobile App is ready for that too.  You can add expenses to each line and even take a picture from your mobile device of receipts and attach those to your expense report.  That’s even easier than it is on your desktop! All the permissions you have in your TimeControl system are taken into account in the TimeControl Mobile App.  The TimeControl Mobile App also supports your single sign on corporate authentication.

TCi_Mobile_CrewTimesheet3_300x237When linked with TimeControl Industrial, the Industrial functionality of Crew Timesheets is also available.  You can edit who is on a crew and create a new Crew Timesheet, edit an existing timesheet or submit the Crew Timesheet for approval.  If you are using a tablet, the TimeControl Mobile App will take advantage of the extra screen real-estate and present easier to tap-and-go entries for the Crew data.

TC_Mobile_Views_PolarArea_300x237Make decisions while away right from what you see on your phone.  With the free TimeControl Mobile App, data visioning is included.  The app includes many ways for you to display selections of data and then save that view for later use.  The ability of the mobile app to present data makes on the fly decision making easier than ever.  There are numerous formats including pie charts, bar charts, histograms and more so you can envisage your data in whatever format you need for instant decision making.

The TimeControl Mobile App has asynchronous support.  If you are working with the TimeControl Mobile App and you lose your Internet connection, there’s no need to fret.  The App will keep track of any changes you make and once your Internet is restored, it will automatically synchronize to make sure the App and the centralized system are both up to date.

What do you mean it’s free?
We mean there is no additional cost. None. When you download the app from Google Play or the Apple App store, you don’t pay a thing. All you need to do is connect to your existing TimeControl system.  The TimeControl Mobile App supports TimeControl on premise version 7.2 and higher, TimeControl Industrial on premise version 7.2 and higher, TimeControl Online or TimeControl Industrial Online.

You can find out more about the TimeControl Mobile App at:

You can download the TimeControl Mobile App from Google Play or the Apple App store.

Contact HMS for more information on how the TimeControl Mobile App can help your remote workers get connected.

Thinking of migrating from TimeControl on-premise to TimeControl Online in the Cloud?

Since its first release in 2011, our TimeControl subscription service in the Cloud, TimeControl Online has been accompanied by a process for existing TimeControl on-premise clients to migrate to the online service.LIA_1_300x192

TimeControl is available both as a purchasable license for installation on your premises or as a subscription service.  The product is identical in both scenarios and, in fact, comes from the same code-base so any fixes or enhancements done by the HMS Software development team become available to both products right away.

The TimeControl Crossover Program provides a credit to an existing TimeControl on-premise client when they want to migrate to the in-the-cloud version.  The credit is based on the number of licenses, the original purchase price of TimeControl and the date when you last renewed your TimeControl Support contract.  In many cases, the credit is substantial and is applied to your first year’s subscription costs of TimeControl Online.

Once you are using TimeControl Online, HMS takes responsibility for maintaining the environment.  We manage the servers, the databases, backups, the web server, automatic upgrades to the latest TimeControl version, malware management and 24×7 monitoring of the environment.   All you have to do is login and continue using TimeControl.  All your familiar data is ready and you will be able to continue to enjoy your integrations with Project Management tools and your Finance systems.

The process for migrating to TimeControl Online is well established by our technical staff.  First, you need to be upgraded to the latest version of TimeControl.  This can be done on your own or you can have HMS assist you with the upgrade.  Once the data is on the same version as TimeControl Online, HMS takes a backup of your data and translates it into the data format used by TimeControl Online.  Then that data is uploaded by HMS to your TimeControl Online environment and all you have to do is log in.

All your data, reports, filters, validation rules, dashboards, login information is all transferred and is immediately available to you online.  TimeControl Online is already set up to use the free TimeControl Mobile App so if you’ve been waiting to set that up, you are ready to go there too!

One option is to have HMS do the upgrade and data transfer simultaneously as that can be done quite quickly.

If you have made more extensive integrations directly to your TimeControl on premise database or you have made other customizations for things like authentication, then you can speak to the TimeControl technical staff to see how this functionality can be replicated in the TimeControl Online environment.

If you are interested in taking advantage of the TimeControl Crossover Program or in finding out the advantages of using TimeControl Online, please contact us at: or by email at

For more information on TimeControl Online, visit

What a difference Mobile Makes

It’s the day before Thanksgiving in the United States. More than 54 million people (yes, million) will travel more than 50 miles for the holiday in the US this year. So we’re going to take a moment to think about how to manage your timesheet responsibilities while you’re mobile.

The free TimeControl Mobile App has been available for over a year now and is one of the most sought-after elements of TimeControl functionality. If your organization has enabled the Mobile App, you can create your timesheet, edit a timesheet that is already in progress, and complete and release a timesheet. If you are a supervisor, you can do your approvals while on the move (in the passenger seat!). You can approve or reject a timesheet and, if need be, attach an email notification. If you are an administrator who had only a few more adjustments to do, you can recall a posted timesheet and apply debit/credit adjustments to it.

And all that from your phone or tablet!

The TimeControl Mobile App is available at no charge from the Apple Store for iOS iPhones and iPads and from Google Play for Android phones and tablets.

For more information on the TimeControl Mobile App, visit


Let us introduce the free TimeControl Mobile App!

We’re so excited about the new TimeControl Mobile App, that it’s hard to talk about almost anything else around HMS these days.  The new TimeControl Mobile App brings TimeControl right to the palm of your hand on your SmartPhone or Tablet.

The TimeControl Mobile App connects your device directly to your TimeControl or TimeControl Online system. All your timesheet configuration, profile security, data selections and customizations are all already there so what appears on your screen matches what you would see on a full browser when connecting to TimeControl.

You log in with the same credentials you use for TimeControl and you can now create a new timesheet, update one in progress, or complete your week and release your timesheet. If you are a supervisor, you can do your approvals right from your phone or tablet!

TimeControl supports both Android and Apple (iOS) phones. The screen functionality is highly responsive and will adjust to the resolution available to it in both portrait and landscape modes.

Timesheet entry
The TimeControl Mobile App includes a number of different views to see or update your timesheet. You can view current and past timesheets, update an existing timesheet or create a draft timesheet and add projects and charges from the selections that are available to you.  A simple tap where you see the hours and you can update hours and minutes for that line in an instant.  The TimeControl Mobile App supports the same timesheet durations as TimeControl so whether you are working in weekly, bi-weekly, bi-monthly, monthly or custom periods, the date range at the top of the screen lets you scroll to the relevant day and date and update the information you need.

Supervisors can use the TimeControl Mobile App to review, approve, or reject a timesheet. Automated Validation Rules work just as they do in the full-sized web version. If a user tries to release a timesheet that doesn’t follow one of the timesheet business rules defined in TimeControl, then the user is immediately prompted with the error and asked to correct it.

What do you mean it’s free?
We mean there is no additional cost.  None.  When you download the app from Google Play or the Apple App store, you don’t pay a thing.  All you need to do is connect to your existing TimeControl system.

The TimeControl Mobile App functions with all versions of TimeControl 7.2 and higher.

You can find out more about the TimeControl Mobile App at:

You can download the TimeControl Mobile App from Google Play or the Apple App store.

HMS has released TimeControl 6.4

HMS has just released TimeControl version 6.4 for new and existing clients. This version extends on the long-standing success of the TimeControl timesheet system with another new wave of enhanced and new functionality. Since its initial release in 1994, TimeControl has been one of the most recognized timesheet systems for organizations who need a single timesheet interface to fulfill the multiple requirements of payroll, human resources, project management and finance.

Enhancements in this version include the following:

All new Project Manager Validation!
We’ve completely redesigned the way that Project Manager Validation works in TimeControl 6.4. pmvalidationThe all-new multi-browser, multi-device interface allows project managers to highly individual line items that they approve or reject and TimeControl can now be configured to only transfer to a project management the approved items. This extension of TimeControl’s remarkable Matrix Approval Process for Labor actuals will make life even easier for project managers and organizational managers alike!

Not only can this view be used for approvals but project managers can move directly from the PM Validation view to do an adjustment on any timesheet line that they have rights to adjust and do the adjustment instantly. Plus Project Managers can update the ETC (Estimate to Complete) right on the screen before sending the data over to a project management system like Microsoft Project, Project Server, Primavera or Open Plan.

Direct Link to SharePoint task items
We’ve had integration with SharePoint almost since its release to the market but now TimeControl goes even further with a new ability to automatically load charge items from SharePoint task or project task lists just like we do with project management tools like Microsoft Project and Primavera.

My Assignments view
We’ve added an all new view in the MyAccounts area that lets users see what tasks they’ve been assigned to right from their own screen. myassignmentsIt allows users to look forward in TimeControl to what’s coming their way. Not only can users see this view, they can report on it or save it as an Excel or PDF file.

Expense Dialog view
Entering expenses in your TimeControl timesheet have gotten even easier as we’ve now created a new Expense dialog view that shows expenses in a form as well as a grid.

Cross-tab reports
We’ve created some brand new report types that we think will be super popular with both the accounting and project personnel. Cross tab reports let you put financial periods (Quarters, months, Weeks) as columns at the top of the report and projects and tasks as rows. It’s just the thing to show trends in labor being spent over time in any category that interests you.

Grouping by financial period
Aside from the all new cross-tab reports, we’ve made other reporting improvements. While you’ve always been able to sort and select along a financial period, it’s been harder to do sub-totals and grouping in reports by year, quarter and month.
Not anymore
TimeControl 6.4 adds date categorization fields to every line item including all historical data to allow you to do grouping and sub-totaling of any TimeControl report by these financial periods.

Improvements in TimeControlMobile
We’ve been busy with TimeControlMobile also. The updates in TimeControlMobile 6.4 includes the ability to update your (ETC) Estimate to Complete right on your smartphone. We’ve also added support for user defined fields on the timesheet. We’ve taken the opportunity to reorganize some of the data on the mobile screens so it is easier to view and update on your iPhone, Blackberry, Android or Windows Mobile 7 devices.

And lots, lots more…
There’s so much more that just won’t fit into our announcement. We’re confident that both existing and new users will love this new version.

TimeControl 6.4 is available immediately. TimeControl customers with existing current support contracts can download the new version from the Support/Updates area of the TimeControl website at no charge. TimeControlOnline customers will be notified in advance before we update our online Timesheet as a Service environment.

For more information about TimeControl, monitor the TimeControl blog at, the TimeControl website at For information about TimeControlOnline, our hosted timesheet subscription service in the cloud, go to
For any other questions contact HMS Software at

TimeControl Value Propositions for Team Members

We have focused on making time-entry in TimeControl quick, easy and convenient because CAMERA PICTURES 018the truth is that team members just want to get their timesheet done – usually in a hurry on Friday afternoon.  The fact that TimeControl is web-based means that employees can enter their timesheet from almost anywhere, as long as they have access to the internet.  With TimeControl Mobile, users can even enter time from their smartphone mobile device. 
The TimeControl timesheet can be pre-populated with scheduled tasks imported from a project management system.  The timesheet can also be pre-populated with tasks that the employee usually performs, we call this a personal pre-load.  Having the tasks already in the timesheet means the team member simply needs to assign hours to the tasks that are already loaded.  Another form of timesheet pre-load involves the use of the TimeRequest module.  Employees request time-off or other special time through TimeRequest by filling out the date and description of the time (vacation time, personal day, banked time, etc …).  When this time request is accepted, the time is automatically populated in the future timesheet. 
From the MyTimeControl homepage dashboard, employees can quickly see how much sick time, personal time and vacation time they have taken and is available.  Training hours, banked time and more can also be seen if the company opts to track this type of time.  This knowledge empowers employees to better manage their time and eliminates the need to be constantly be calling HR to ask for this information.   
This post has been a continuation of the TimeControl value propositions started last week.  Over the coming weeks I will continue on this series outlining the key benefits of using TimeControl by company role.  Last week we covered Executives and in the posts to come we will continue with CIO’s, Project Managers, CFO’s, Resource Managers, HR managers and Payroll managers.
For more information on the benefits of TimeControl by role, please check out the TimeControl Value Propositions factsheet located on the site.

Selecting TimeControl for Online or On-premises

online_vs_onpremisesWith TimeControl now available to be purchased for on-premises installation and for subscription to our TimeControlOnline hosted timesheet service, there is a choice to make.  Here at HMS we’ve been asked recently “Which is better – Hosted or Purchased?” and the answer isn’t obvious. Whether you subscribe to TimeControlOnline or purchase TimeControl to install on your own servers, there’s lots of great functionality including:

  • Multi-browser easy to use interface
  • TimeControl mobile smartphone interface
  • Links to project management systems like MS Project
  • Links to ERP/Finance, Payroll and HR systems
  • Matrix Approvals
  • Automated Validation Rules
  • Extensive Reporting
  • Vacation approvals
  • Email notifications
  • Multi-lingual functionality

But there specific advantages for both subscribing or installing so we’ve put together some resources that we hope you’ll find useful on our Timesheet Buyer’s Guide solution portal including:

A short webcast by our President, Chris Vandersluis comparing the differences of purchasing TimeControl vs. subscribing to TimeControlOnline along with some basic questions you can ask yourself to see which path is optimal for you. Read more…

A PowerPoint slideshow that is used in the webcast.   Read more…

A 4-page factsheet entitled Online vs. On-premises which puts side-by-side comparison of the different options available with both products.  Read more…

Timesheet Buyer’s Guide
This solution portal contains numerous resources other than those we’ve listed here on how to select a timesheet for your needs and how TimeControl might apply to those requirements.  See more at

Manage your vacations with TimeControl

It’s summer time and the vacation schedules are just about to get underway. Here at HMS we thought it would be a good time to share with you a free guide on how to use TimeControl to better manage vacations in your organization. TimeControl is one of the most recognized timesheet systems for organizations who need a single timesheet interface to fulfill the multiple requirements of payroll, human resources, project management and finance.

vacations webcast 2 We’ve created a free webcast narrated by HMS Software’s President, Chris Vandersluis. It’s only a few minutes long and you can see some key functionality demonstrated that helps organizations manage vacations whether from an end-user or administrator perspective. Included in the webcast are discussions on:

The TimeControl Dashboard
The TimeControl dashboard includes a module by default which shows Vacation, Sick Leave and Personal time banks with indicators of how much time the employee has available in each bank, how much they’ve taken and how much is remaining. Just knowing how much time is left available to them lets employees plan their vacations better.

Managing Banked Time
TimeControl can also control banked time in a number of ways. TimeControl can be configured to accrue vacation as its earned so the bank of time increases each month. You can also track banked overtime if your organization has such a policy and track deposits of overtime into the bank and withdrawals of time off from the bank.

Vacation Approvals with TimeRequest™
TimeControl’s TimeRequest feature let’s the employee request approval for vacation right inside the timesheet itself. Then, once approved, the vacation is automatically inserted into the employee’s future timesheet.

Validation Rules
TimeControl’s Validation Rules let administrators determine what vacation rules are acceptable. You can restrict an employee from taking time that they’re not entitled to or, if you allow it, permitting time to be taken before it’s earned. These business rules have everyone who enters their vacation timesheet already complying with the organization’s policies.

Alternate User Functionality
We’ve thought of supervisors also. After all, managers and supervisors take vacation too! TimeControl’s Alternate User function lets a supervisor delegate their approval responsibilities to someone else while they’re away. (TimeControl still tracks who has actually done the approvals for proper auditing.)

TimeControl Mobile
Finally, if the vacation is going so well that you’d like to keep it going for another week, TimeControl Mobile is a part of every TimeControl implementation. Use your Smartphone to log into TimeControl from wherever you are and add a week’s vacation in your timesheet!

To see the free webcast, visit the TimeControl HR Solutions page at The webcast is available in the Webcasts area at the bottom of the page.

TimeControl goes Mobile!

ip_l_list_200x106TimeControl is now available for your smartphone.  Included with the regular TimeControl systems is now an all new interface that is designed for use with iPhones, Blackberrys, Android and Windows7Mobile devices.
There’s nothing to install and nothing special to manage when using the new TimeControl Mobile interface because it has been designed as a web application.  Simply point your browser to the special URL that is available with all TimeControl versions from 6.2 and up and the mobile interface is immediately available.
bb_ts_100x177TimeControl Mobile brings the flexibility and power of one of the world’s most popular timesheets right to your hands wherever you are.  The system supports the creation and editing of timesheets in the field as well as automated validation rules, approval including release and reject.  The interface, like all of TimeControl is multilingual and even supports user defined fields for timesheet entry.
TimeControl Mobile can flip from horizontal to landscape orientation and the interface will immediately reorganize itself to take advantage of the screen real estate that’s available.
There’s no additional cost for TimeControl Mobile.  It’s included.
There’s also nothing special to do during the installation or upgrade to make the mobile functionality available to the users.  Users will simply point their mobile browsers at their usual URL plus /mobile and there it is.
TimeControl Mobile is available as of TimeControl 6.2 to all new clients and automatically part of the 6.2 upgrade to existing clients.  Any client with a current support contract has access to version 6.2 on the regular support site.
For more information on TimeControl Mobile and to see a webcast of it working on a Blackberry and iPhone, go to