Since we first launched our first website in the mid 1990s we have focused on making knowledge available to others. This tradition of sharing information continues in The website contains information about our product of course, but it also contains collateral of interest to anyone involved in project management systems, timesheet systems and, in particular multi-function timesheet systems. There has never been any fee for accessing this collateral.
We always knew people would come to our site with questions about the features of our products, but people don’t fundamentally shop for features. They shop for a solution to their business challenges. So we have made our thinking on how to solve business challenges with our products and services easy to access here.
Surfing the TimeControl website at first glance can be overwhelming for the sheer volume of information. There are webcasts, online training, white papers, factsheets and slide shows but the site content is organized into several logical areas:
TimeControl prospects
For those stopping by because they are interested in buying TimeControl, then the TimeControl Features area and Why TimeControl? areas are the first stops. They contain information specific about what TimeControl can do, who has bought it in the past, why it was successful and how to subscribe to or buy it now.
For those who are interested in how a multi-function timesheet like TimeControl can be useful, the Solutions area looks at many different possible applications. There is a section for using TimeControl for Human Resources, using TimeControl for Payroll, using TimeControl for tracking R&D tax credits, using TimeControl to integrate with Primavera or Microsoft Project and much more. Each solutions area contains different collateral like webcasts, factsheets and screen shots to help answer questions about how to solve a particular business challenge.
We may have referenced some webcasts or white papers in different solutions areas but we have bundled access to all our major collateral in the Resources Library. Here you’ll find different sections for Webcasts, White Papers, Factsheets, Slide Presentations, Online Training Videos and our Press Releases. There’s even a section on best practices for using timesheets and deploying TimeControl.
Of course that’s not the end of our materials. There is also this blog, articles we write for other sites and put into the public domain. We hope this information is valuable for those who are considering our products and also for those who are just looking to educate themselves in the industry.
You’ll find the TimeControl Solutions area at:
The TimeControl Resource Library can be found at:
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