Tag Archives: Application Programming Interface

API – the Ultimate in integration

TimeControl has long been known as one of the most flexible and integrate-able timesheet systems in the industry.

In virtually every TimeControl deployment we are called upon to weave the timesheet data into a much larger business process.  At one time we focused more on doing this from database to database but as more and more systems (including TimeControl) became available as in-the-cloud subscription services, we had to broaden our approach. In 2017 we released a full service RESTful API included with all TimeControl versions.

The ultimate in TimeControl integration is almost certainly the Application Programming Interface (API) which is included with both TimeControl Online and TimeControl on-premise.  This module allows data and processes to be access both for pulling information out of TimeControl and for putting information into TimeControl.  Within the API we have defined numerous end-points for accessing data and processes allowing literally hundreds of functions and objects to be accessed.

Using the TimeControl API lets you create a blended corporate environment where data from one system can be updated into another completely in the background without user intervention.

What can you do?

The API has a remarkable range of possible methods to access.  Data from all the tables holding your TImeControl data can be pushed or pulled at any time and the API will ensure that all of TimeControl’s data control rules are followed.  The API has extensive messaging and we provide numerous examples and startup code to get you started quickly.

Is it secure?

The API carries all the same security measures that TimeControl is famous for.  The API can be turned on and off for the entire instance in the System Preferences and then access is controlled through a TimeControl User Profile.  Typically a single user profile is created for API interactions and the data that is made available to the API or data which can be updated by the API can be controlled right in that User Profile definition.  That’s quite an advanced structure as it allows as much API access as you define regardless of what the programmer writes in code that access the API.

For an on-premise deployment you can even elect not to install the API at all though this means that not only the API but also the free TimeControl Mobile App will be disabled.

How is it accessed?

We provide dynamic API documentation that is actually generated by the API itself whenever you ask for it in the help menu.

The result is an always up-to-date exactly for the version you are in with information on each method as well as example code on how to connect to TimeControl and guidance on how to get your project started.

We’ve not eliminated any of the other methods of integrating TimeControl with your corporate systems but the TimeControl API represents the ultimate in blended system integration.

For more information on how the TimeControl API can help you create an integrated business environment, contact HMS at: TimeControl.com/contact.