We’re extremely excited about the release of TimeControl 6.7. We had always known that this last wave of removing ActiveX components from TimeControl would be the most challenging. There were so many things under the surface that had to align in the final turn over to having all the code be multi-device and multi-browser. Along the way we also took advantage of some R&D we had done over the last year as well as numerous customer enhancement requests.
We are very proud of the final result.
TimeControl 6.7 is a significant upgrade from TimeControl 6.6 with many new and enhanced features. Only TimeControl Industrial now has any ActiveX controls left in it and those are for the Crew Timesheet and Material entry screens. (We’ll be addressing those later this year.)
Here are a few of the more noticeable new and enhanced features you can now see in this version:
All New Workflow Engine
We’ve gone beyond Validation Rules and created an all-new workflow engine. Now, based on conditions that TimeControl might find in a timesheet that is being released, you can have the system automatically email a supervisor, a project manager or someone you choose. You can have the timesheet automatically post or move along the approval path in the manner you select. You can even execute database commands at a Workflow event which makes this feature stunningly powerful.
ActiveX’s are no longer required in TimeControlThis is something we’ve worked towards for some time and we know that IT departments at will be delighted. All remaining features which required an ActiveX installation in the standard edition of TimeControl or TimeControl Online have been replaced under the new multi-device architecture.
New OnBoarding Import
We’ve written a brand new importing format for those who do lots of on-boarding of new staff which allows you to populate all the required tables for new employees in a single pass
Line Item ResourceLine Item Resource allows you to add a resource column to the timesheet and then have TimeControl use that Resource Code instead of the one associated to the Employee when transferring information to a project management tool.
All new server to server Project Management Link performanceWe’ve rewritten the server to server links between TimeControl and Microsoft Project Server and TimeControl and Oracle-Primavera’s P6 and have managed to make big improvements in performance. The server-to-server links are now performing at between 18 and 20 times (That’s 1,800% – 2,000%) faster! Transfers that used to take 60 minutes now take around 3.
Improved Hard Dollar HD PCM LinkWe’ve made some huge improvements to the Hard Dollar HD PCM link. The link is now much more configurable with support for multiple cost categories, allowing timesheets to be costed or uncosted when transferred, and more.
TimeControl Industrial Crew/Material combined entryWe’ve made an option in TimeControl Industrial 6.7 to enter both the crew timesheet and the non-labor entries for material consumption, equipment usage and production accomplished into a single entry on two tabs. This will optionally allow crew entry staff to enter all the information in one pass and then release it all for approval at the same time. We’ve also made it possible to enter production accomplished values on the same line.
Resources and RolesOur links to project management systems has always been one of our strongest suits. Now when linking to Oracle-Primavera’s P6 you can create assignments by Resource or by Role.
Legacy TabIf you’re an existing TimeControl client and you’ve read this far and are now hyperventilating over what you might have lost in this version, don’t worry. We haven’t taken anything away that you might have depended on in older versions. The old Formula1 report writer, old ActiveX Project Link for products like MS Project 2003 and earlier, Open Plan (via OLE) or Primavera P3 via RA are all there along with the old Drill Down Analyzer in a new tab called “Legacy”.
Plus, we’ve made improvements and updates in all these modules:Filters, Missing Timesheet Notification, Manage Scheduled Jobs, Timesheet Release Audit Report, Posting, Scheduler, Manage External Tables, Interface Definition Table, Table Exports, Enhanced Table navigation, Import / Export Packages, Enhanced Employee Banks, Menu housekeeping, MS Project Interop link, Timesheet Tabs are now part of security, Charge Table Notes, Report updates, Missing Timesheet View, Timesheet Image reports and Posted/Unposted Reports.
You can see screens and more detail on the new version at www.timecontrol.com/timesheet/latest or just contact HMS at info@hms.ca and we’ll be happy to talk to you about it.
Existing users with a current support agreement can download the new version right now at www.timecontrol.com/support/updates. If you need help with updating your support agreement, contact us at support@hms.ca.