Category Archives: timesheets

Our websites are sporting a whole new look!

We’re excited to tell you about a major overhaul of HMS Software’s web environment.  HMS are the publishers of TimeControl, the world’s most flexible timesheet system.  This is a significant change to one of the world’s most venerable web environments.
“The HMS Software websites are among the oldest in the world,” said Chris Vandersluis, President of HMS. “HMS has been around for 31 years and the original HMS Software website was established in the mid 1990’s just aver the release of the original Netscape browser.”
Over the last 20 years, the HMS Software web site has gone through a generational change every few years.  As the publishers of TimeControl, one of the world’s most popular timesheet systems, the web environment expanded beyond a simple website to accommodate the numerous perspectives of different types of users.
The original website was more of an online brochure and was one of the first of its kind.  We were rather proud of being about the 7,000th entry in the Yahoo directory.  That might not seem like the very start but the Yahoo directory was registering over 16,000 websites a day at its peak.  With the release of TimeControl in 1994, HMS started to expand the web environment quickly.  The most current iteration of the TimeControl sites has been across 5 domains:,,, and the original
Under the completely new design, the web environment will be pared down to three domains to respond to the core elements of HMS Software’s business.
The new site structure will allow us to better serve visitors with streamlined navigation, support for multiple devices such as tablets and smartphones and easier to find material.  With so much collateral available on the three sites, it should be much easier to locate and use with the new design.

The main site for TimeControl will remain where existing clients will still be able to log in and get support and update information as well as access the extensive library of webcasts, white papers, factsheets and other technical collateral.  Prospective clients will be able to try TimeControl for free on the hosted trial site which they can register for here.  Prospective clients can find out about buying TimeControl for on premise installation or subscribing to the TimeControl Online service here.

The corporate site will now become where information about clients, new partnerships or marketing will be managed.  Traffic from the original will be redirected to this site.This site contains our HMS history and news about us such as press releases.

For those interested in TimeControl Industrial, HMS Software’s field data collection version, information will remain at  Here the additional features of crew timesheets and tracking material and equipment usage will be explained along with the other features of Industrial.

The new websites have been optimized for numerous browsers, devices and operating systems so those who are using a tablet or smartphone to access the sites will be able to enjoy a rich user experience.

TimeControl at Steven Winter Associates

swa_building_350x233 We are delighted to get written testimonials from our TimeControl clients quite frequently here at HMS but this year one of our clients has gone a step further.  The folks at Steven Winter Associates worked with the HMS marketing staff to get a case study written of their selection and use of TimeControl.  We’re thrilled with the result which is now on the TimeControl website.
Steven Winter Associates is a leader in their field creating best practices for high-performing buildings.  It’s remarkable work.  In January 2010, Steven Winter started looking for a timesheet system that would allow them to be effective in their work of making buildings more effective.  TimeControl would become that system and it has been making a difference there ever since.
The case study is at: or find out more about Steven Winter Associates at:

TimeControl 6.7 released

We’re extremely excited about the release of TimeControl 6.7.  We had always known that this last wave of removing ActiveX components from TimeControl would be the most challenging.  There were so many things under the surface that had to align in the final turn over to having all the code be multi-device and multi-browser.  Along the way we also took advantage of some R&D we had done over the last year as well as numerous customer enhancement requests. 
We are very proud of the final result.
TimeControl 6.7 is a significant upgrade from TimeControl 6.6 with many new and enhanced features.  Only TimeControl Industrial now has any ActiveX controls left in it and those are for the Crew Timesheet and Material entry screens.  (We’ll be addressing those later this year.) 
Here are a few of the more noticeable new and enhanced features you can now see in this version:
All New Workflow Engineclip_image001We’ve gone beyond Validation Rules and created an all-new workflow engine.  Now, based on conditions that TimeControl might find in a timesheet that is being released, you can have the system automatically email a supervisor, a project manager or someone you choose.  You can have the timesheet automatically post or move along the approval path in the manner you select.  You can even execute database commands at a Workflow event which makes this feature stunningly powerful.
ActiveX’s are no longer required in TimeControlThis is something we’ve worked towards for some time and we know that IT departments at will be delighted.  All remaining features which required an ActiveX installation in the standard edition of TimeControl or TimeControl Online have been replaced under the new multi-device architecture. 
New OnBoarding ImportOnBoarding We’ve written a brand new importing format for those who do lots of on-boarding of new staff which allows you to populate all the required tables for new employees in a single pass
Line Item ResourceLine Item Resource allows you to add a resource column to the timesheet and then have TimeControl use that Resource Code instead of the one associated to the Employee when transferring information to a project management tool.
All new server to server Project Management Link performanceWe’ve rewritten the server to server links between TimeControl and Microsoft Project Server and TimeControl and Oracle-Primavera’s P6 and have managed to make big improvements in performance.  The server-to-server links are now performing at between 18 and 20 times (That’s 1,800% – 2,000%) faster!  Transfers that used to take 60 minutes now take around 3. 
Improved Hard Dollar HD PCM LinkWe’ve made some huge improvements to the Hard Dollar HD PCM link.  The link is now much more configurable with support for multiple cost categories, allowing timesheets to be costed or uncosted when transferred, and more.
TimeControl Industrial Crew/Material combined entryWe’ve made an option in TimeControl Industrial 6.7 to enter both the crew timesheet and the non-labor entries for material consumption, equipment usage and production accomplished into a single entry on two tabs.  This will optionally allow crew entry staff to enter all the information in one pass and then release it all for approval at the same time.  We’ve also made it possible to enter production accomplished values on the same line.
Resources and RolesOur links to project management systems has always been one of our strongest suits.  Now when linking to Oracle-Primavera’s P6 you can create assignments by Resource or by Role. 
Legacy TabIf you’re an existing TimeControl client and you’ve read this far and are now hyperventilating over what you might have lost in this version, don’t worry.  We haven’t taken anything away that you might have depended on in older versions.  The old Formula1 report writer, old ActiveX Project Link for products like MS Project 2003 and earlier, Open Plan (via OLE) or Primavera P3 via RA are all there along with the old Drill Down Analyzer in a new tab called “Legacy”. 
Plus, we’ve made improvements and updates in all these modules:Filters, Missing Timesheet Notification, Manage Scheduled Jobs, Timesheet Release Audit Report, Posting, Scheduler, Manage External Tables, Interface Definition Table, Table Exports, Enhanced Table navigation, Import / Export Packages, Enhanced Employee Banks, Menu housekeeping, MS Project Interop link, Timesheet Tabs are now part of security, Charge Table Notes, Report updates, Missing Timesheet View, Timesheet Image reports and Posted/Unposted Reports. 
You can see screens and more detail on the new version at or just contact HMS at and we’ll be happy to talk to you about it.
Existing users with a current support agreement can download the new version right now at  If you need help with updating your support agreement, contact us at

Updated Timesheet Buyer’s Guide

7251961 One of the most popular areas of the website has been the Timesheet single source of HMS Software expertise in how to select a timesheet has been a great collection of resources for anyone interested in updating their timesheet it makes tools available at no charge and without obligation. We’ve done a number of updates on the Buyer’s Guide site to the tools and information provided there. This area of the website provides information that both helps prospective timesheet buyers determine what kind of timesheet they might require and then shows how TimeControl can respond to those requirements. The information however isn’t specific to just TimeControl so no matter what kind of timesheet you’re looking for, this section of our site may be of use to you. The Timesheet Buyer’s Guide includes a number of tools that may be of interest to those considering a new timesheet system including:

  • Webcasts of how to determine what type of timesheet might be required,
  • A white paper analyzing the choice of buying a commercial off the shelf timesheet system vs. writing a customized timesheet,
  • A downloadable evaluation checklist spreadsheet of the most commonly requested timesheet features with options for weighting features and scoring multiple timesheet systems,
  • A Return on Investment Calculator spreadsheet which shows the financial impact of automating your timesheet system and;
  • Numerous links to other resources.

The HMS Timesheet Buyer’s Guide is available at:

New Contractor Management Solution Page

HMS has just released a new use-case solution page to show how TimeControl and TimeControl Industrial can be used to better manage contractors. With the human resource partnering, outsourcing and sub-contracting of today, being able to contractor_approvals_2_300x267 manage your contractors is a critical element to being competitive and we’ve made this solution available at no charge to show how an organization can make tremendous efficiency improvements in how it manages its contractors.” included on the solution page is both a webcast and PowerPoint presentation as well as references to related information. The webcast includes a presentation and a software demonstration. Some of the benefits that are presented by using the techniques described in the presentation include:

  • Shortcut the invoice approval process. Save countless hours of purchasing personnel, clerks, project managers, contract managers and even the contractors themselves.
  • Find out what the contractors are working on, not just how much time they’re working
  • Find out how long it takes contractors to finish the tasks you’ve assigned.
  • Compare the performance of internally trained personnel to contractor personnel.
  • For contractors: Get paid faster.
  • For the client: negotiate an early payment discount because you’re now able to approve the invoice in days, not weeks.

You can access the Contractor Management Solution Portal at: and see a complete list of solutions at:

Free TimeControl Hosted Trial site update

We’ve had a free hosted trial site for TimeControl for ages.  We’ve recently made some major changes to the site to improve the TimeControl timesheet evaluation experience for prospective clients.  

Aside from putting the free hosted timesheet trial onto some hot new and highly performant hardware, we’ve also updated the data, upgraded the trial to our newest version 6.5 including the new TimeControl Report Designer and added and updated a range of evaluation tools for those looking for timesheets that are project-based.

Some of the key resources for evaluating TimeControl include:
Updated Free Hosted TimeControl Evaluation site and data

The site has been populated with evaluation data so users can immediately log into the system and see data in all the main features.  Users can instantly add a timesheet, approve that timesheet, do a report, do timesheet analysis and even post a vacation request. The look and feel of the TimeControl 6.5 timesheet system is highly intuitive.  Evaluation users are given Administrator privileges so no part of the evaluation TimeControl system is restricted.  Users should remember however that this data is open to anyone so it is not the place to post anything confidential. The Free TimeControl Hosted Trial site data is refreshed every night. Users registering for the evaluation will have access to the system for 2 weeks following which they must re-register to continue their access.
Users may register for the free Hosted TimeControl Trial at

Direct access to the TimeControl Online Learning Center
The evaluation site references the free TimeControl Online Learning Center which has a collection of videos showing the basic functions of TimeControl being performed. Each video is only 3-5 minutes long so it’s a fast and easy way to see how to add a timesheet, add a vacation request, edit an employee’s record, approve timesheets, report on time and more.
The TimeControl Online Learning center is now directly accessible from the TimeControl Trial site dashboard. The dashboard has been tailored for a trial and one of the things we’ve done is highlight learning and evaluation resources right on the front page.
Users can access the free Online Learning Center at:
The Timesheet Buyers Guide
HMS has put numerous resources and tools for choosing a timesheet into the Timesheet Buyer’s Guide.  This solution portal includes materials such as a Return on Investment Calculator, an Evaluation Guide which leads users through TimeControl the Free Hosted TimeControl Trial site from registration through all the basic functions. The Guide has a click-by-click format with screen shots and descriptions of what users will see as they go through the system.
There are also references to numerous white papers, webcasts and more.  The Timesheet Buyers Guide is free and does not require registration. 

Our president will be speaking at the PMI Buffalo Professional Development Day

Chris Vandersluis, the president of HMS, will be speaking in Buffalo Thursday, September 20th as part of PMI’s Professional Development Day. This will be an insightful and valuable opportunity to “Become a Person of Success”. You will have two opportunities to see his talk on the subject of “Improving Resource Capacity” in the afternoon portion of the day. Chris will be discussing how to generate project resource capacity without having to hire by using best timesheet business practice. Join Chris on September 20that the Buffalo Convention Center, at the Convention Center Plaza, in Buffalo, New York.
For more information, visit PMI Buffalo’s website at

Watch Chris’ quick YouTube video where he gives you more details about the PMI Buffalo event.

Our president is speaking at ProjectWorld Toronto on Monday

IMG00071-20110215-1257Chris Vandersluis, the president of HMS will be speaking at ProjectWorld Toronto on Monday, May 14th.  The subject is “getting more resource capacity without spending more money” and focuses on how timesheet practices can help find resource capacity you didn’t even know you had.  ProjectWorld runs on May 14th and 15th at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (South Building) and Mr. Vandersluis’s talk will be at 3:45 on May 14th. 

For more information, visit ProjectWorld’s website at

Our president is in Vegas speaking at Collaborate12

Chris_Feb2011_500x621Chris Vandersluis, the president of HMS Software is in Las Vegas next week to speak at the Oracle Application Users Group meeting; Collaborate12.  The topic of his talk is “Using Best Timesheet Practices to increase your Resource Capacity”.  The talk is scheduled on April 24th at 10:45am to 11:45am in Conference Room: “Breakers J”

If you are attending Collaborate 12 and wish to meet Mr. Vandersluis, please let us know at  For more information on the conference, go to