Category Archives: timecontrol

FAQ: Can the TimeControl Menu be edited?


Yes you can.  Not only can you edit existing elements of the TimeControl Menu, but you can add to it also.  In the Administration Tab there is a selection called Menu entry.  Using this function, you can move menu items fromtcblog_menu tab to tab or add a new entry.  Imagine that you’ve created an internal project management tracking process manual and you’d like to make sure that all of your TimeControl users can access it from right inside TimeControl.  You can click Add in the Menu Entry module and add the URL and an icon for that selection.  Once you’ve added the new entry, it will immediately become visible in the User Profiles module in case you want to make sure it is secured for one user or another.

Or, imagine that you’ve created different manuals for different users perhaps for users in a particular country.  You could create manuals for each country and a menu item for each and then use User Profiles to only show the appropriate manual to someone in that country. tcblog_menuadd

The same goes for any other function you’d like to create.  The URL destination of a menu item could also be an external system.  This type of flexibility is powerful so you need to keep track of what you’ve added to your TimeControl so you can train people on finding the right function in the right place.



How many TimeControl Modules can you buy? (it’s a trick question)

From time to time we’re asked how many modules TimeControl has and what modules are required for a particular requirement. allinclusive_300x197It’s not a strange question because so many timesheets on the market sell in exactly this manner.

The short answer to this question is very simple. There are no extra modules to but in TimeControl.

We know that there are publishers who sell you the timesheet for time and attendance and then say “Oh, you also need to do vacation approvals, that requires our add-on Vacation Approval Module” and others who say “Oh, you need a link to a project management tool? There’s a module you can purchase for each link you want to use.” And yet others who say “Oh you want to create your own custom reports. Of course you can with our add-on report designer module.”

The industry calls it “up-selling” and we don’t like it any more than you do.

So, we decided a long time ago to include everything in TimeControl that you’ll need. There are two editions of TimeControl, one designed for industrial situations like heavy construction or mining or EPC projects and the the other for everyone else.

Inside each TimeControl is the timesheet of course, the links to the many project management tools and versions we support, the report designer, the vacation approvals, our Matrix Approvals, the Accruals functionality that HR needs, the import and export modules to link to ERP and other corporate systems and even the mobile interface. Once you pay for your TimeControl license, there’s not much else we can sell you unless you’d like some implementation assistance (not everyone takes that and not everyone needs it) or ongoing maintenance and support contracts. If you’ve decided on subscribing to our TimeControlOnline timesheet in the cloud, you’ll be paying your subscription service each year and that’s about it.

We have even structured upgrades to be something you never buy. If you have TimeControl or TimeControl Industrial now, the only way to get a new version is to simply keep your maintenance contract current. We’ll make the new version

We believe this makes our relationship with our clients easier to establish and easier to make richer over time. But, there is one specific issue that can arise from this all-in-one thinking. Because we’re not constantly calling our clients trying to sell them on the next module or version, some new clients can put time into deciding why they wanted TimeControl in the first place and then never revisit what TimeControl could be doing for them to accommodate other business requirements.

For example, a few years ago, we got a lead from a company interested in TimeControl because it had a link to Microsoft Project. The company was already a client so we asked the caller if he knew about our timesheet. He looked at his own weekly timesheet and, sure enough, it was already TimeControl! “But my TimeControl doesn’t have a link to Microsoft Project. Did we not buy that module?” the caller asked us. “It was hidden during the original deployment because your firm was focused on time and billing when you rolled the system out,” we answered.

The feature was easily turned back on by the TimeControl Administrator and the caller didn’t have to go purchase another timesheet or another module. He already had everything he needed and shortly thereafter he was linking TimeControl to his project files.

So we make a point of talking about TimeControl features in the blog and in email blasts that include our current client because we never know when someone will suddenly realize they already own the solution to a business requirement they’re already looking for.

To look at different business-use-case scenarios of how you can use TimeControl, go to the Use Case gallery at:

To catch up with the main TimeControl features, go to the Features area of the website at:

Of course you can always just contact us at and one of our account managers or technical staff will help you find out how TimeControl can be configured for your particular business challenge.

Microsoft names HMS software a certified partner with dual competencies


silver_comp_2015We’re delighted to bring you exciting news.

HMS and Microsoft have announced a renewal of their long standing technical alliance.  HMS has been a Microsoft partner for over 20 years and will, once again be a certified partner in the Microsoft Partner Network.

part_comp_2011HMS became an inaugural member of the Microsoft Project Solution Partner program when it was first created in 1995.    The relationship between Microsoft and HMS has focused on HMS Software’s TimeControl timesheet system and its ability to integrate with Microsoft Project and Microsoft Project Server. The Microsoft Project development team and HMS have worked together ever since.

TimeControl has had an integration with every version of Microsoft Project on the Desktop since 1995 and with every version of Microsoft gold_comp_3Project Server since 2002.  It has already been ten years since Microsoft named HMS a “First to Market” partner for the work done by HMS to integrated TimeControl and Project Server.

Gold_2For the 2016-2017 partner season, HMS has qualified for dual certifications in both
Application Development and Project and Portfolio Management.  To qualify for these programs, HMS demonstrated success integrating TimeControl with Microsoft Project and Project Server through actual client testimonials has had several HMS personnel pass Microsoft certification testing.  Microsoft also ensured that TimeControl successfully passed external 3rd party testing for technology and standards compliance with Microsoft Technology.

ms_cert_1There’s no way to display all the partner logos HMS has qualified for in the last 20 years but on the right you’ll find just a few.

HMS leverages Microsoft technology to deliver both TimeControl and TimeControl Online, HMS Software’s in-the-cloud timesheet service. Windows Server is the platform for the server and some clients will combine that with Microsoft Project or Project Server, SharePoint or SQL Server.

HMS is highly committed to the Microsoft relationship and how it enables us to provide the best possible solutions to our clients.

To see how TimeControl and Microsoft’s technology work together, visit the TimeControl Microsoft Technology Portal where you’ll find numerous HMS resources including white papers, webcasts, PowerPoint presentations and more.  The portal can be found at:

The relationship between TimeControl and Excel

We often get questions here at HMS about how TimeControl and Excel.  Answering appropriately requires knowing why people are asking.  timecontrolexcel.jpgFor those who are interested in knowing if they should migrate from an Excel timesheet to TimeControl, there are numerous resources on the TimeControl website identifying the benefits of going to a centralized data-driven timesheet model.  But, there are so many other ways that the two systems are tied, we’ve created a special solutions portal to help

Let’s take a look at some of the different ways you might be thinking that TimeControl and Excel are related:

Migrate from an Excel timesheet to TimeControl

Many organizations create their first timesheet using Excel. It’s a natural fit. The Excel format is infinitely flexible and perfect for designing a grid that has to use calculations to total up the week’s time and even costs.  But, as an organization grows, the need for the functionality of a full timesheet system grows also. Maintenance and the management of an Excel timesheet when an organization is a handful of employees is relatively simple. When the number of people grows, that maintenance becomes more complex, more costly and a bigger challenge.  That’s where TimeControl’s centralized data structure becomes much more attractive.

Importing and Exporting data between TimeControl and Excel

TimeControl includes complete support for importing and exporting data in an Excel format.  If you maintain some data now in Excel, then moving that into TimeControl is a matter of moments.  If you use Excel for analysis of data, then sending TimeControl’s source data to Excel is very simple.  You can even schedule exports to Excel or imports from Excel to happen automatically on a schedule you determine.

Integrating Excel Services dashboards into TimeControl

Some people like using Excel’s server-based charting capabilities to create analysis of timesheet or project management data.  TimeControl supports displaying Excel views in the dashboard.  Need an Excel pivot report?  No problem. Need an Excel traffic light dashboard?  No problem.

Displaying Reports in Excel

Every TimeControl report including those created in our TimeControl Report Designer or with the TimeControl Drill Down Analyzer can be saved as Excel files so you can do more extensive analysis and reporting in the tools you are familiar with.

You can find out more about how TimeControl and Excel can work together to help your organization become more efficient on our TimeControl/Excel Use-Case portal at:  On the portal you’ll find webcasts, factsheets and slide presentations explaining some of your options and potential benefits.


FAQ: How do I control vacation entries?

We are often asked if TimeControl supports a method to ensure that employees don’t take more vacation time than they’ve been approved for.vacationtime_300x150.jpg

This is controlled in TimeControl two ways:

First, the approval of the timesheet is managed in the TimeRequest™  feature.  TimeRequest let’s employees request vacations in the future.  If the vacation is approved, the employee will be able to see that in the TimeRequest screen.  They can also be optionally notified by email through TimeControl and that email can automatically include a calendar notification to load into their Outlook or other calendar system.

TimeControl can then be configured to include a Validation Rule that says “You cannot enter vacation without a matching approved TimeRequest.”

Employee Banks
TimeControl also uses banks which can  be loaded for the entire year or loaded as time goes on through the TimeControl Accruals module to show vacation, personal time off, banked overtime, etc. that has been earned by this employee.

TimeControl has numerous banks created by default in the system which can be used for this purpose so different types of banks can be defined by the TimeControl Administrator. A TimeControl Validation Rule can then be created that generates an error if the amount of vacation taken in the current timesheet exceeds the amount in the bank for the vacation category.  Different organizations have different rules for this.  Some will allow only vacation that has been completely earned.  Others will allow an employee to be up to a week “negative” in their vacation bank.  Whatever the rule is, it can be defined for this in the Validation Rule.


Oracle and HMS extend their alliance for a 19th consecutive year

HMS and Oracle have renewed their technical partnership for a nineteenth consecutive year.  Oracle has just named HMS as an Oracle Gold Partner for the 2016-2017 season.  Oracle_GoldPartner_300x80We’re delighted with our long standing and evolving Oracle relationship.

The alliance between HMS Software and Oracle dates back to the mid-1990’s.  HMS initially joined the Oracle partner program in 1997 because of the development of TimeControl version 3 so we could properly support the Oracle database. That year marked the start of another technical alliance, this one between HMS and Primavera.  We joined the Primavera Partner program to properly support the integration between HMS Software’s TimeControl’s and Primavera’s project management software.  When Oracle purchased Primavera many years later, these two initiatives blended together to form a much richer relationship with deep and enduring ties.

The TimeControl timesheet system now supports many different products that have become part of the Oracle family including the MySQL database and links between TimeControl, Oracle EBS, PeopleSoft and JD Edwards. We work regularly with Oracle to support our clients.

The Oracle Partner program in which HMS has been named as a Gold Partner again this year allows software publishers such as HMS to work directly with Oracle to more effectively bring products and services to each other’s clients.  Thanks to our status in the Oracle Partner program our integration with Oracle-Primavera P6, for example, can be tested on pre-release versions.

Some of TimeControl’s value-added benefits when linking with Oracle Primavera include: multiple rates per employee, automated business rule validations, automated workflow, missing timesheet notification, simultaneous support for multiple versions of Oracle Primavera, both a browser and mobile/tablet interface and matrix timesheet approvals with HMS’s unique Matrix Approval Process for Labor Actuals™.

We are proud to be an Oracle Gold Partner once again this year and look forward to our relationship evolving for many years to come.

For more information about TimeControl and how it links to Oracle Primavera and other Oracle technologies, visit the TimeControl Oracle Solution Portal at: or contact HMS at


FAQ: Saving time in TimeControl with Best Practices

Let’s be honest: We don’t know anyone who wakes up early on Friday morning and excitedly shouts, “Yay! It’s Timesheet Day!”. bestpractices.jpg

Most of us do our timesheets because we have to and because the result of doing our few minutes of work entering data pays back bigger dividends to both ourselves and to the organization we’re doing the timesheet.  Here at HMS, our technical staff are asked often about the best practices for timesheet use.

HMS maintains a portal of materials that will help you get the most out of timesheeting with TimeControl.

The resource center is divided so you can focus on practices for the whole organization or individual best practies.  The Timesheet Best Practices Portal has tips, techniques and materials that are identified as being more useful from the organizational or individual perspective.

One of the more popular areas is the Timesheet Best Practices Q & A page.  Ever wondered just how much time is too much to spend on entering your timesheet?  Do you question just how much detail is productive in a timesheet?  Or, perhaps you’re wondering if it makes sense to track the start and stop times of the day along with the durations for each task? You’ll find answers to these and other questions in the portal.

There are many materials in the Best Practices Solution Portal including white papers on how to increase resource capacity through better timesheet practices, guidance for executives on how a timesheet system can benefit the organization, webcasts of how to be effective with your timesheet system and even a blank timesheet process template for creating your own timesheet process.

Access to the Timesheet Best Practices Solution Portal is free.  Some materials may require registering and logging into the website which is also free.

To access the Timesheet Best Practices website, visit


What happened to that multi-currency article?

multicurrencyLast week we inadvertently published an article titled Multi-Currency Project Management here on the TimeControl blog that was supposed to be destined for Chris Vandersluis’s EPMGuidance blog. But, if you caught sight of the article, don’t worry, it hasn’t gone far. The article is still available, on the blog in its entirety at:

FAQ: Timesheets by Exception

autofill.jpgCan TimeControl support timesheets entered only by exception? We have some operational staff who do the same thing all the time and are on salary so the only time we need their timesheet is when they need to book sick leave or vacation.

You can do timesheets by exception.  But, more importantly, you can do timesheets by exception for some staff while doing positive-entry timesheets for everyone else.  A positive-entry timesheet is one where an employee is expected to enter the timesheet with what they did with their time each day.  An exception timesheet is one where the employee typically does the same task each day so tracking their day-to-day activities is not important.  In their case, we’d like to default their timesheet to a standard week (for example: 40 hours of “in attendance”). Those employees would only have to make an entry for an “exception” such as vacation or sick leave or personal time off.

TimeControl includes a function called “Autofill” that automatically fills a timesheet for any employee in this category to the maximum per day required.  If there are no entries for that person, a complete week is filled in.  If there are some exception entries, only the gaps are filled in.  In this manner we can accommodate both exception timesheet employees and positive-entry timesheet employees.  More on this and other HR-related functions can be found at:

FAQ: Dealing with approvals when supervisors are absent?

How do you deal with approvals when supervisors are absent due to vacation or if a person changes departments?

It is a common occurrence for a person to be absent and this is just as
true for managers and supervisors as it is for any other employee.  TimeControl includes an “Alternate User” function that is designed to manage the situation where a supervisor or administrator will be absent and someone else must assume their duties.  A user can set their own Alternate in their Profile area and can define when the privileges of that alternate will expire.  alternate_login.jpgAn Administrator can set an alternate for any user in the User Table.  The Administrator can also determine who should receive email notices from TimeControl for things like missing timesheets.  They can go to the original user, the alternate or both.  In the example at the right, Joe Gardner has logged into TimeControl and is told that he has been assigned as an alternate for Tom Logan.  He can now log in as himself or as Tom.

When the alternate logs into TimeControl, they will be presented with a new intermediate screen after their login which asks who they would like to access the system as.

If alternate_headerthey select the Alternate, then TimeControl will indicate that at the top of the screen. In the example on the right, Joe Gardner has logged in as Tom Logan.

While the Alternate is logged into TimeControl they will see the menu and data selections that the absent person would see but TimeControl always keeps track in the background of who really did approvals or data changes for auditing purposes.