Category Archives: TimeControl updates

TimeControl 7.3 has been released with some big new features!

We’re very excited to release this latest update to TimeControl. TimeControl 7.3 comes with some significant new features and many enhancements. This version is available in TimeControl, TimeControl Industrial and shortly in TimeControl Online.

Here’s some of what to expect:

Do your expenses in the free TimeControl Mobile App

The TimeControl Mobile App is a free App designed to work on both Android and iOS (Apple) devices. This version of the TimeControl Mobile App allows you to add expense items to any line in your timesheet. Each timesheet line item allows you to add an unlimited number of expense items and each item is associated to both the charge item and a non-labor resource type. You can also attach multiple receipts as photos or files to each expense item. The TimeControl Mobile App is available at no cost on the Apple Store for iOS devices and Google Play for Android devices.

Use your camera to add attachments to timesheets or expenses

The TimeControl Mobile App now lets you attach multiple items to your timesheet. TimeControl lets you use your device to select photos, videos, to take a picture from your camera or even access files that are available to your device on Google Docs, Dropbox, iCloud or OneDrive.

Schedule reports to be created automatically and sent via

TimeControl reports can now be delivered by email on a schedule. Choose from sending an email on a schedule of your choice with a PDF attachment or just sending a direct link to an encrypted server-stored file.

And much, much more…

There is so much more. We’ve made huge improvements in filtering, added new auditing functionality and reporting for time-off banks, added single-sign-on support to the mobile app, added new dashboards and reports, added budget controls for the Charge and Project tables, enhanced the link to Microsoft Project Online and enhanced performance.

If you are a TimeControl Online subscriber, your systems will be updated over the next couple of weeks.  If you are using TimeControl on-premise and have a current support contract, you can access this latest update at:

For more information on TimeControl 7.3, go to

HMS has released TimeControl 6.4

HMS has just released TimeControl version 6.4 for new and existing clients. This version extends on the long-standing success of the TimeControl timesheet system with another new wave of enhanced and new functionality. Since its initial release in 1994, TimeControl has been one of the most recognized timesheet systems for organizations who need a single timesheet interface to fulfill the multiple requirements of payroll, human resources, project management and finance.

Enhancements in this version include the following:

All new Project Manager Validation!
We’ve completely redesigned the way that Project Manager Validation works in TimeControl 6.4. pmvalidationThe all-new multi-browser, multi-device interface allows project managers to highly individual line items that they approve or reject and TimeControl can now be configured to only transfer to a project management the approved items. This extension of TimeControl’s remarkable Matrix Approval Process for Labor actuals will make life even easier for project managers and organizational managers alike!

Not only can this view be used for approvals but project managers can move directly from the PM Validation view to do an adjustment on any timesheet line that they have rights to adjust and do the adjustment instantly. Plus Project Managers can update the ETC (Estimate to Complete) right on the screen before sending the data over to a project management system like Microsoft Project, Project Server, Primavera or Open Plan.

Direct Link to SharePoint task items
We’ve had integration with SharePoint almost since its release to the market but now TimeControl goes even further with a new ability to automatically load charge items from SharePoint task or project task lists just like we do with project management tools like Microsoft Project and Primavera.

My Assignments view
We’ve added an all new view in the MyAccounts area that lets users see what tasks they’ve been assigned to right from their own screen. myassignmentsIt allows users to look forward in TimeControl to what’s coming their way. Not only can users see this view, they can report on it or save it as an Excel or PDF file.

Expense Dialog view
Entering expenses in your TimeControl timesheet have gotten even easier as we’ve now created a new Expense dialog view that shows expenses in a form as well as a grid.

Cross-tab reports
We’ve created some brand new report types that we think will be super popular with both the accounting and project personnel. Cross tab reports let you put financial periods (Quarters, months, Weeks) as columns at the top of the report and projects and tasks as rows. It’s just the thing to show trends in labor being spent over time in any category that interests you.

Grouping by financial period
Aside from the all new cross-tab reports, we’ve made other reporting improvements. While you’ve always been able to sort and select along a financial period, it’s been harder to do sub-totals and grouping in reports by year, quarter and month.
Not anymore
TimeControl 6.4 adds date categorization fields to every line item including all historical data to allow you to do grouping and sub-totaling of any TimeControl report by these financial periods.

Improvements in TimeControlMobile
We’ve been busy with TimeControlMobile also. The updates in TimeControlMobile 6.4 includes the ability to update your (ETC) Estimate to Complete right on your smartphone. We’ve also added support for user defined fields on the timesheet. We’ve taken the opportunity to reorganize some of the data on the mobile screens so it is easier to view and update on your iPhone, Blackberry, Android or Windows Mobile 7 devices.

And lots, lots more…
There’s so much more that just won’t fit into our announcement. We’re confident that both existing and new users will love this new version.

TimeControl 6.4 is available immediately. TimeControl customers with existing current support contracts can download the new version from the Support/Updates area of the TimeControl website at no charge. TimeControlOnline customers will be notified in advance before we update our online Timesheet as a Service environment.

For more information about TimeControl, monitor the TimeControl blog at, the TimeControl website at For information about TimeControlOnline, our hosted timesheet subscription service in the cloud, go to
For any other questions contact HMS Software at

TimeControl 6.1 released

employee_table_generaltab_multi-browserWe’re very excited here at HMS to announce the release of TimeControl 6.1.  This version extends the TimeControl 6 family into its next evolution with a range of new features and an even more options in the configuration and architecture
In the architecture department, TimeControl now embraces MySQL along with the existing support for Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle and Sybase as possible databases.  In addition, support for mixed 32/64bit support has been improved.  There are also updates to improve our link to Microsoft Project Server 2010 and in particular for mixed environments where both Project Server 2007 and Project Server 2010 must be linked to simultaneously.
The table functionality has been rewritten in its entirety to follow the TimeControl 6 multi-browser interface architecture.  That’s right, you’re no longer required to use only Internet Explorer to manage your tables but can also use Chrome, Safari, Firefox or Mozilla.  Of course, if you like Internet Explorer, we haven’t forgotten you as IE9 is now part of our testing cycle.
There is a whole new feature called “Personal Pre-load” which we think end users are going to love and updated features for emails, releasing timesheets, tools like charge delete and timesheet audit logs and much, much more. 
To see more details on what’s included in TimeControl 6.1 go to What’s the latest on the TimeControl website.  If you have a current TimeControl support contract or if you’ve purchased in the last year, then you can download the current version from the Updates area of the website.