We’ve made some changes to the free TimeControl timesheet Trial site that we think will make trying our timesheet system that much easier. First of all, the dashboard on the main page has been updated to show some readily accessible online learning resources such as the TimeControl Online Learning Center. We’ve updated some of the data and the flow of the system once new users log in to make it more intuitive.
The biggest news though is the new Evaluation Guide that guides a user through basic functionality of the hosted trial from the registration right through adding a timesheet, adding a vacation request using TimeRequest and doing some reports click-by-click. Now anyone who wants to see just how easy TimeControl is to use can be guided through those steps screen by screen. The Evaluation Guide was based on the hosted trial site itself and describes what the user should see at every step and where to click or type next in order to put TimeControl through its paces.
The TimeControl trial site has its data refreshed nightly but users who register for the system will have access to it for 2 weeks. There are no restrictions on functionality though users are cautioned not to upload any information that is confidential or sensitive as the data is open-access. There is no cost to users to access the Free TimeControl timesheet trial.
To see the new Free Hosted TimeControl Trial Evaluation Guide, click here.
To access the updated Free Hosted TimeControl Trial, click here.
To visit the TimeControl Buyer’s Guide where there are numerous resources for evaluating timesheets, click here.