Category Archives: release timetable

What do the version numbers mean?

We’re often asked what the significance of our version numbers are and how often we release a new update, upgrade or version.  Here is an extract from the TimeControl Installation Guide explaining our 4-part version number:
HMS releases updates to TimeControl in three different levels:

An update to TimeControl is identified by the 3rd level of the version number.  For example, in version 6.1.2, “2” would be an update.  An update to TimeControl includes fixes to existing functionality and while it may have small additions to the data structure it has no changes to the existing data structure.  An update may include minor enhancements to existing functionality and, less typically, new functionality.

An upgrade to TimeControl is identified by the 2nd level of the version number.  For example, in version 6.1.0, “1” would be an upgrade.  An upgrade to TimeControl may fix existing functionality and will contain enhancements to existing functionality as well as new functionality.  An upgrade may include some changes to existing data structures as well as additional data structure elements.

A new version of TimeControl is identified by the 1st level of the version number.  For example, in version 6.0.0, “6” would be a new version.  A new version of TimeControl represents a change in the underlying architecture.  This may mean a change or an increase in the types of platforms supported, in the technology layers such as database connections or communications protocol and in the fundamental interface design and architecture.  A new version typically includes new functionality and enhanced or changed existing functionality.  In some cases, functionality in a new version is deprecated.  Data structures may undergo significant change in a new version compared to an old version.

In addition to new updates and upgrades, you may find a 4th digit in your version.  This is a “Build” number and this may change over time.  A new build is usually made when we identify a hotfix that is required but only for a limited circumstance so a complete new Update isn’t required.

Where to find your version number
VersionInfo If you are the Administrator, go to the TimeControl administrator Menu, Select “About” in the Actions menu on the right and then click “Support Information”.  You’ll see a screen like the one here taken from the TimeControl evaluation system.  Here you can see the version is  That’s Version 6, Upgrade 6, Update 2 and build 1.
This screen also shows the version of every component of TimeControl.  The Technical Support team often asks for this information as a mismatch between one component and another after an upgrade can be a problem.