In some instances there is a requirement to have a TimeControl Administration person to be able to see and or modify some of the TimeControl table information, but not all of it. An example would be the ability to see rate code information for a company division, but not all the rate information, for the entire company. TimeControl supports the application of a display filter to a specific table, where required. Filters may be applied to any of the tables following the example shown. We start by adding the information that defines the condition, in this case a Department code in a user defined field, on the table in question. In order for the filter to function correctly the field data must be in a linked field, using the “field mapping” function. In this example I have set the Department to read “PMO”
We then create a filter applied to the Rate table to select only data relative to the “PMO”
We have created a User Profile specifically for the sup administrator in the Project Office and have applied the PMO Rate filter to that person’s profile. Filters are applied to the Rate table in the table security menu, on the User profile. If the required table does not appear on the list, it may be inserted. The filter is applied from the drop down list as per the example. The profile menu security also has been set to allow the user access to the Rate table.
When we re- log in as the sub administrator and load the Rate table, we only see the Rate codes for the Project Office, as specified in the user defined field. The restriction could also be extended to permit the sub administrator to only see the data and not modify it or similar constraints. Please note that any person sharing this profile would see the data.
This process of filtering may be applied to any of the primary tables in TimeControl.