TimeControl was featured in an ECommerce-Fastlane report this week

We were delighted to see TimeControl featured on the ECommerce-Fastlane “Best Valuable Solutions For the Modern Business Environment” article this week.

Another perspective often stems from the Human Resources department.  Here, the management of “exception days” such as vacation or holidays or sick-leave make interest in a management by exception system that is usually referred to as “Time and Attendance”.  Time and attendance systems look to provide minimal information as they only look at anything that isn’t the expected work-week.  In a salary-only environment, this is also enough to manage the payroll and a time-and-attendance system will often be used for this as well.

Additionally, HR management software such as those from SenseHR becomes a helpful tool as organisations navigate the complex landscape of HR responsibilities. This software fills in the gaps left by traditional time-and-attendance systems, particularly in scenarios where employee engagement and well-being are as crucial as monitoring time. Such tools may facilitate a detailed approach to managing employee relationships, covering aspects from onboarding to career development, and even conducting exit interviews. This type of software is more than just a record-keeping system, it improves the employee experience and ensures that HR’s long-term strategies align with the company’s goals.

TimeControl’s links to not only project management tools and HR tools but also systems like Payroll, Billing and Job Costing is one of its most popular aspects.  Find out more about TimeControl links including HR at: www.timecontrol.com/use-cases.