TimeControl Online has been upgraded to version 8.5!

Following our successful launch of TimeControl and TimeControl Industrial version 8.5 for on-premise deployments, we have completed upgrading all TimeControl Online servers to version 8.5.  This is an exciting and extensive upgrade that includes enhancements to TimeControl Online, TimeControl Industrial Online and TimeControl Project. Among the many new and enhanced features are:

TimeControl BI

The new TimeControl Business Intelligence Dashboard is a brand new module included in all online subscription editions of TimeControl.  It allows administrators to create views of TimeControl data as it trends over weeks, months and years to provide a unique perspective in how the organization is working.

See www.timecontrol.com/features/timecontrolbi for more details and examples.

Inline Debit/Credit

Inline Debit/Credit is a huge change to how our auditable Debit/Credit system works for post-posted adjustments.  With Inline Debit/Credit, the changes to a posted timesheet are simply made as though the timesheet was still in draft mode.  Along with the new Inline Debit/Credit there is a major enhancement to how this affects both Project Manager Validation and Line Item Approval.  Now, when changes are made to a posted timesheet with Inline Debit/Credit, as those changes are posted, they will shift the status of lines in PM Validation and Line Item Approval to pending.

TimeRequest Approvals and Validation Rules

Now, not only can the approval workflow for a TimeRequest be different from the timesheet workflow, it can follow rules for the type of request.  Our extensive Validation Rules system which already included the ability to create definitions of what would make an acceptable timesheet or crew timesheet has been extended to include TimeRequests.

And so much more

In TimeControl Project the ability to export a Board or GANTT View to Excel, create a Sheets View independent of the Posted Timesheet table, hover over a card to see the details, and the ability to create a default landing page for TimeControl Project.

To see the complete list of changes in TimeControl Online, TimeControl Industrial Online and TimeControl Project version 8.5, go to TimeControl.com/features/latest.