The Best Practices area of our website is full of useful info!

The HMS technical and implementation staff keep a repository of great collateral and information on what best practices we’ve uncovered when deploying TimeControl, TimeControl Online and TimeControl Industrial.

This is all maintained on the website in the Best Practices area.

This section is divided into three areas:

Questions and Answers

Here you’ll find some basic Q & A of common questions we receive and answers from our implementation staff.  For example, “How much time should I spend on my timesheet each week?” is a common question.  This Q&A is not Q&A about any feature or support issue with TimeControl, it’s only focused on best practices.


This section contains information of specific interest to individual users.  For example, you’ll find here a video presentation on how to minimize the time spent using TimeControl each week by using certain features.


This section will be of more interest to those who are the administrators and implementers of TimeControl.  For example, in this section you’ll find a white paper on how to Manage the Change Management of a timesheet deployment”.  It talks about how to generate compliance and how to avoid potential upset when changing an enterprise system.

The Best Practices area of the TimeControl website is updated on a regular basis.  We invite you to take a look at: