Tag Archives: Enterprise Timesheets

FAQ: Timesheets by Exception

autofill.jpgCan TimeControl support timesheets entered only by exception? We have some operational staff who do the same thing all the time and are on salary so the only time we need their timesheet is when they need to book sick leave or vacation.

You can do timesheets by exception.  But, more importantly, you can do timesheets by exception for some staff while doing positive-entry timesheets for everyone else.  A positive-entry timesheet is one where an employee is expected to enter the timesheet with what they did with their time each day.  An exception timesheet is one where the employee typically does the same task each day so tracking their day-to-day activities is not important.  In their case, we’d like to default their timesheet to a standard week (for example: 40 hours of “in attendance”). Those employees would only have to make an entry for an “exception” such as vacation or sick leave or personal time off.

TimeControl includes a function called “Autofill” that automatically fills a timesheet for any employee in this category to the maximum per day required.  If there are no entries for that person, a complete week is filled in.  If there are some exception entries, only the gaps are filled in.  In this manner we can accommodate both exception timesheet employees and positive-entry timesheet employees.  More on this and other HR-related functions can be found at: http://www.timecontrol.com/use-cases/human-resources

Two new online lessons in the TimeControl Online Training center

onlinetraining_250x109Did you know there was a free video training area for TimeControl?  We’ve maintained free online lessons for TimeControl since version 5 (that’s years ago).  These lessons are short 3-6 minute videos each showing a feature or function of TimeControl.  Need to see how to approve or reject a timesheet, how to add an expense or how to display a report?  There are lessons for each of those.  We add to the TimeControl 6 list of video lessons on a regular basis and recently added two new ones.  There are now lessons for how to display your historic timesheets and how to use the timesheet list.

Anyone can access the TimeControl Online Training area at: www.timecontrol.com/resources/online-training/timecontrol-6.