Tag Archives: comparing timesheet systems

The Timesheet Buyer’s Guide is available to all

TimeControl Buyers Guide, TimeControl, TimeControl Industrial, Chris Vandersluis, Christopher Vandersluis, Christopher Peter VandersluisOver the years here at HMS we’ve become used to questions about how TimeControl compares to other products.  Our answers are always the same.  We don’t publish those kinds of comparisons. Whatever we would say about another product would be unfair as we aren’t experts in whatever those other products are.  What we’ve done instead is to provide tools for prospective clients to find out what is great about TimeControl and make it easier to compare against other products.

Introduce: The Buyers Guide.

The Timesheet Buyers Guide is hosted on the TimeControl website and contains a wealth of information for anyone looking to buy a project-oriented timesheet system.  There are white papers, factsheets and even calculators that any prospective buyer or subscriber can use to evaluate their own possible choices.  The page is called the Timesheet Buyers Guide, not the TimeControl Buyers Guide deliberately.

For those who say, but what about TimeControl, there are even pre-prepared Excel comparison grids where we’ve already added in the answers for TimeControl or TimeControl Industrial and left a couple of columns blank for prospective clients to do their own research.

It’s better for HMS and for possible clients to get the bulk of their simplest answers quickly and opens the door for us to start talking about how we can use those features to solve real-world business problems once we start talking.

The Timesheet Buyers Guide is available to all without charge or need to register at: buyersguide.timecontrol.com.