We’ll be on the road next week at the PMI Westchester’s Professional Development Day which takes place April 2nd at the Holiday Inn in Mt. Kisco, NY.
HMS is this year’s Platinum sponsor so attendees will get a chance to talk to HMS personnel about their timesheet needs and see the latest of TimeControl, TimeControlOnline and TimeControl Industrial.
For more information on the conference, see pmiwestchester.org and if you’d like to make an appointment to speak to HMS personnel while you’re at the conference, contact info@hms.ca.
HMS Software’s president, Chris Vandersluis speaks at events all over the world about
Enterprise Timesheet and Enterprise Project Management systems and principles. This month, you can hear Mr. Vandersluis speak at two Project Management Institute (PMI) events: If you are in the Ann Arbor area, Mr. Vandersluis will be presenting “Creating Business Prioritization for Projects and Portfolios” at PMI’s Hudson Valley Chapter On October 21st, You can find out more about this event on the PMI HVC website. Are you going to the PMI Global Congress in New Orleans? On October 25th and 26th, Mr. Vandersluis will be speaking on two topics On Monday, October 28 at 10:45AM he will present “Cancel a Project Without Cancelling your Career”
On Tuesday, October 29 at 11:30AM he will present “Panning for Gold by Data-mining your Project Tracking Data”
You can find out more about the 2013 PMI Global Congress at: congresses.pmi.org/NorthAmerica2013.
If you’d like more information about these sessions, would like to meet Mr. Vandersluis during these events or to see more information on talks by Mr. Vandersluis, stop by his speaker’s site at www.vandersluis.name or his EPM Guidance blog at www.epmguidance.com or contact us here at HMS Software at info@hmssoftware.ca
HMS Software will be at the Rochester PMI Professional Development Day in Rochester NY on Thursday, May 16th. If you are going to the PMI event or you are in the Rochester area and would like to meet members of the HMS staff, please let us know.
The event is being held at the Rochester Plaza Hotel, 70 State Street, Rochester, NY from 7:15 am to 5:00 pm. You can get more information on the event on the Rochester PMI Chapter page at: http://pmirochester.org/meetinginfo.php?id=12.
If you’d like to schedule some one-on-one time with HMS staff to see the latest version of TimeControl or answer your TimeControl questions, please email Ken Edwards at: ken.edwards@hms.ca.
If you are attending the PMI Southwest Ontario Chapter Chapter’s (SWOC) Symposium event on April 26th you will be able to meet some of the HMS staff in person! This annual event is being held at the
Lamplighter Inn & Conference Centre at: 591 Wellington Road, London, Ontario from 8am to 5pm.
If you are interested in meeting HMS staff in person or talking to us about TimeControl or other HMS Services and are in the area, then please let us know. If you are attending the symposium and would like to make sure we organize an appointment with you, please email Ken Edwards at ken.edwards@hms.ca or give us a call at our GTA office at 647-478-8332
For more information on the symposium, go to: www.pmiswoc.org

Chris Vandersluis, the president of HMS, will be speaking in Buffalo Thursday, September 20
th as part of PMI’s Professional Development Day. This will be an insightful and valuable opportunity to “Become a Person of Success”. You will have two opportunities to see his talk on the subject of “Improving Resource Capacity” in the afternoon portion of the day. Chris will be discussing how to generate project resource capacity without having to hire by using best timesheet business practice. Join Chris on September 20
that the Buffalo Convention Center, at the Convention Center Plaza, in Buffalo, New York.
Watch Chris’ quick YouTube video where he gives you more details about the PMI Buffalo event.
Chris Vandersluis, the president of HMS will be speaking at the PMI Huron Valley Chapter in Ann Arbor, Michigan on Monday, April 16th. The subject is: “Increasing your project resource capacity without increasing your project resource costs” and focuses on how timesheet practices can help find resource capacity you didn’t even know you had. The event starts at 5:30 and is located at the Holiday Inn Ann Arbor located at: 3600 Plymouth Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48105.
For more information, visit the Huron Valley PMI chapter site at: www.pmi-hvc.org.
The official blogsite of TimeControl
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