One of the most popular areas of the website has been the Timesheet single source of HMS Software expertise in how to select a timesheet has been a great collection of resources for anyone interested in updating their timesheet it makes tools available at no charge and without obligation. We’ve done a number of updates on the Buyer’s Guide site to the tools and information provided there. This area of the website provides information that both helps prospective timesheet buyers determine what kind of timesheet they might require and then shows how TimeControl can respond to those requirements. The information however isn’t specific to just TimeControl so no matter what kind of timesheet you’re looking for, this section of our site may be of use to you. The Timesheet Buyer’s Guide includes a number of tools that may be of interest to those considering a new timesheet system including:
- Webcasts of how to determine what type of timesheet might be required,
- A white paper analyzing the choice of buying a commercial off the shelf timesheet system vs. writing a customized timesheet,
- A downloadable evaluation checklist spreadsheet of the most commonly requested timesheet features with options for weighting features and scoring multiple timesheet systems,
- A Return on Investment Calculator spreadsheet which shows the financial impact of automating your timesheet system and;
- Numerous links to other resources.
The HMS Timesheet Buyer’s Guide is available at: