We’re very excited here at HMS to announce the release of TimeControl 6.1. This version extends the TimeControl 6 family into its next evolution with a range of new features and an even more options in the configuration and architecture
In the architecture department, TimeControl now embraces MySQL along with the existing support for Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle and Sybase as possible databases. In addition, support for mixed 32/64bit support has been improved. There are also updates to improve our link to Microsoft Project Server 2010 and in particular for mixed environments where both Project Server 2007 and Project Server 2010 must be linked to simultaneously.
The table functionality has been rewritten in its entirety to follow the TimeControl 6 multi-browser interface architecture. That’s right, you’re no longer required to use only Internet Explorer to manage your tables but can also use Chrome, Safari, Firefox or Mozilla. Of course, if you like Internet Explorer, we haven’t forgotten you as IE9 is now part of our testing cycle.
There is a whole new feature called “Personal Pre-load” which we think end users are going to love and updated features for emails, releasing timesheets, tools like charge delete and timesheet audit logs and much, much more.
To see more details on what’s included in TimeControl 6.1 go to What’s the latest on the TimeControl website. If you have a current TimeControl support contract or if you’ve purchased in the last year, then you can download the current version from the Updates area of the website.