Tag Archives: timecontrol automatic notices

How TimeControl notifies users

TimeControl can communicate on its own automatically or on demand to users in a variety of methods and for a range of different circumstances.   Here are some of the methods TimeControl uses to talk to users directly.

The TimeControl Notification Bell

You may have noticed the Alarm bell at the top right of the TimeControl screen.  In most cases, the bell is white and motionless.  But, if there is a message from TimeControl notifications, the bell will start to ring back and forth silently, letting you know that TimeControl has something of importance for you t9 know.  Most notifications in this area are from the timesheet approval process but as time goes on, you can expect the notification area to include notices for different kinds of events.  In some cases, clicking on the message can bring you right to the document required.  Clicking on a “Timesheet Rejected” notice for example, should bring you right to that timesheet in the Timesheet Entry screen.


TimeControl can be configured to send emails for numerous different events.  It’s often not enough to count on people going into TimeControl and noticing the Notification Bell.  So, an email can direct users to go to the system to attend to a variety of events.  Emails can be sent for missing timesheets or rejected timesheets but also to let you know that a job has been processed, a report is waiting for you or that the Workflow Engine has detected a condition that you wanted to be notified about.


TimeControl dashboards can do so many different things but it’s one method TimeControl can use to notify you of your timesheet status, the status of other’s timesheets, vacation status for you or your team, budget vs. actual reports or so much more.  Dashboard are usually presented as soon as you log in so they can be a key place to get important information at a summary level.

Condition Reports and Scheduled Reports

TimeControl’s Report Interface can create reports that are delivered automatically on a schedule.  Scheduled reports will send an email with the report attached in PDF or Excel (or other) formats.  Or, if the report is too large to attach, it will include a link to an encrypted copy of the report on the TimeControl server.

Scheduled reports won’t send anything if there is no data to select so this is a great method of creating exception reports that will only appear if there is some exception to report.

Whether TimeControl is sending information to different users on demand or automatically, it’s capabilities of communicating directly with users with the information they need to know helps make the entire organization more effective.