Tag Archives: AFB

TimeControl support for Visual Reader software

We announced in version 8.3 that we had put some specific attention on TimeControl for Visual Reader Support.  Visual Readers are software packages that enable those with reading disabilities to have the software read what is on the screen for them.  There had always been some support in TimeControl for this but it had been sporadic in the past.  In version 8.3 we were more deliberate. First of all, we consulted a number of websites and got some great information in particular from the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) website at www.afb.org.  After looking at several systems, we decided on using some freely available software called NVDA available from www.nvaccess.org.  This software is quite remarkable.  It picks up labels on objects like fields, graphics, text and reads it out loud.  We can’t recommend both the AFB and NVAccess enough.

In TimeControl, we had to make sure that all objects were labeled properly and within the timesheet grid, this took a bit more effort to make sure that each day and each line could be identified.  We concentrated on those areas where an individual user might go including the menus, the Timesheet List, the Timesheet Entry and, MyAccount.

Now in TimeControl as you over over an element of the screen, software like NVDA will read it to you out loud.  Like to see and hear it working?  We’ve got a video lesson showing it in action.  Just click here on Show me the Visual Reader or go to TimeControl’s Online Lessons.