Category Archives: outsourcing

New Contractor Management Solution Page

HMS has just released a new use-case solution page to show how TimeControl and TimeControl Industrial can be used to better manage contractors. With the human resource partnering, outsourcing and sub-contracting of today, being able to contractor_approvals_2_300x267 manage your contractors is a critical element to being competitive and we’ve made this solution available at no charge to show how an organization can make tremendous efficiency improvements in how it manages its contractors.” included on the solution page is both a webcast and PowerPoint presentation as well as references to related information. The webcast includes a presentation and a software demonstration. Some of the benefits that are presented by using the techniques described in the presentation include:

  • Shortcut the invoice approval process. Save countless hours of purchasing personnel, clerks, project managers, contract managers and even the contractors themselves.
  • Find out what the contractors are working on, not just how much time they’re working
  • Find out how long it takes contractors to finish the tasks you’ve assigned.
  • Compare the performance of internally trained personnel to contractor personnel.
  • For contractors: Get paid faster.
  • For the client: negotiate an early payment discount because you’re now able to approve the invoice in days, not weeks.

You can access the Contractor Management Solution Portal at: and see a complete list of solutions at: