Tag Archives: branding enterprise timesheet

TimeControl Branding with your own logo

For many organizations, making TimeControl their own is a key element of deployment.  TimeControl allows you to brand your instance of the system with two logos.  The logos appear in the login screen and header of the interface.

Login Screen Logo

On the login screen, there is a transparent GIF graphics file which is shipped with TimeControl.  The file name is CompanyLogo.gif and it is expected to be no larger than 300×300 pixels.

You can edit and save a replacement file which will appear in every login screen.  We’ve turned the color of this one into a solid grey so you can see where it is placed but you can enter whatever you wish in the GIF file.

Interface Header Logo

In the main interface there is also a transparent GIF file which is located in the header directly to the right of the main TimeControl logo.

The filename is smallCompanyLogo.gif and it is expected to be no bigger than 300×45 pixels.  Again we’ve recolored this example into solid grey so you can see where it is placed.  You can edit this file and your branded image will then appear to the right of the TimeControl logo.

The files are located in the TimeControl Server directory: /Webfiles/Images/Logos/.

Just a reminder though, HMS does not support removal of the TimeControl logo or trademark notice at any time.

Full instructions are available from the HMS Support staff or in the TimeControl Reference Guide.